John Mc Keown
AUTHOR: John Mc Keown
Virtual Agrofood & Plastprintpack Africa 2020 Event
This is a virtual event which will take place between November 22 and November 26 this year.
The event is provided and managed by fairtrade...
Why Do Top Companies Across Key Sectors in Nigeria So Often Fail To Retain...
A couple of things started me thinking today about Nigerian Medium-Large and Large Companies (for want of a better description). I don't want to...
Tekedia – A Disruptive Product In An ‘eduflation’ Market – JOHN MC KEOWN
A couple of things happened recently that caused me to reflect on the nature of The Tekedia Mini MBA, a course delivered remotely that...
In One Side of Processors And Out The Other!
It is interesting for me that the evolution of the PC processor seems to regularly get referred to through the Mini MBA. The first...