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ChatGPT "Supreme Court Verdicts Expose Police Officer Convictions in Shocking Cases of Unlawful Killings"

Invariably by the time the cases/appeal processes come to an end, Police officers and members of the public would have forgotten the incidents.

My Lords, I wish to emphasize that instances of police officers being prosecuted or convicted for the wrongful killing of innocent civilians are not adequately publicized. This lack of awareness regarding the legal process contributes to a misguided belief among some police officers that they can escape accountability for such actions, as they do not witness the immediate consequences.

The mistaken notion of immunity and impunity among police officers has been challenged once again, this time by the High Court of Lagos State in the case of Bolanle Raheem. It is crucial to underscore that when police officers face prosecution or conviction for the unjust killing of civilians, these incidents are not sufficiently brought to the public's attention. This unawareness of the legal proceedings may lead some officers to believe they can evade repercussions, only seeing their colleagues facing internal disciplinary measures, such as Orderly Room Trials and dismissal, particularly if they are junior officers.

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What they may not realize is that the legal process, including prosecution and appeals, persists inexorably and can reach the highest court, especially in cases where the defendants have been charged and sentenced to death at the trial court. Unfortunately, by the time these cases and appeal processes conclude, both police officers and the public may have forgotten the incidents. Only those who have lost loved ones tend to remember, having diligently tracked the case's progress.

It is imperative to clarify that the prosecution of the police officer in Bolanle Raheem's case was not solely a result of public outcry; rather, the law consistently takes its course in most such incidents. Numerous decisions in recent years, with the Supreme Court affirming convictions of police officers who killed civilians, illustrate this point.

1. such example is the case of P.C Henry Ekum v. The State – Appeal No. SC.1103/2017, reported in (2022) LPELR-57683(SC), delivered on 13th May, 2022. In this case, the appellant, a police officer, murdered Ebam Takim Obiba in Calabar, Cross River State, in 2010. The appellant was convicted of murder and sentenced to death by hanging, a decision upheld by the Supreme Court.

In conclusion, it is essential to enlighten police officers about the far-reaching consequences of their actions. Educating those within our sphere of influence can hopefully minimize similar incidents in the future.

  1. In the case of Onyebucho Onwunze v. The State – Appeal No. SC.215/2017, handed down on December 2, 2022, a disturbing incident unfolded on March 25, 2007, at Ilupa Village in Godwin Ozuma's compound. The appellant, a police officer, assumed a combative stance upon the command of his superior officer and fatally shot Anna Otari Ogbodo, an unarmed elderly woman. The court convicted the appellant of murder, sentencing him to death by hanging. The Supreme Court affirmed the death sentence.
  2. Matthew Egheghe v. The State – Appeal No. SC.304/2017, reported in (2020) LPELR-50552 (SC), delivered on January 10, 2020, recounts an incident occurring on Sunday, October 16, 2011, along Sani Abacha Express Way, Yenagoa. The appellant, a police officer, pursued a motorcycle carrying Emmanuel Victor after having assaulted him earlier. Subsequently, the appellant forcefully pulled Victor off the motorcycle and fatally shot him multiple times. The appellant was convicted of murder and sentenced to death by hanging, a decision upheld by the Supreme Court.
  3. Akinyede Olaiya v. The State – Appeal No. SC.562/2014, reported in (2017) LPELR-43714 and delivered on December 8, 2017, details an incident on March 23, 2011, at Ota Junction, Omuo Ekiti in Ekiti State. The appellant, a police officer, indiscriminately fired two shots into a crowd without provocation, causing the death of Kehinde Ayo Faluyi. The appellant was convicted and sentenced to death, a sentence affirmed by the Supreme Court.
  4. P.C Adeusi Adesina v. The People of Lagos State – Appeal No. SC. 622/2014, reported in (2019) LPELR – 46403 SC), delivered on January 18, 2019, involves an incident on November 27, 2008, at Apogbon Blackspot, Lagos State. The appellant, a police constable, fatally shot lorry driver Dauda Isiako Akao. He was convicted of manslaughter and sentenced to 14 years imprisonment, a decision upheld by the Supreme Court.
  5. In The State v. P.C. James Egigia (SC) (unreported) delivered on January 26, 2024, the respondent, a policeman, faced charges related to an incident around February 16, 2006, in Ayama village, Auyo Local Government Area of Jigawa State. While investigating a case, the respondent seriously beat and fractured the leg of Ismaila Dodo, leading to the victim's death. The trial court found the respondent guilty of serious assault under Section 224 and sentenced him to five years imprisonment without the option of fine. The Supreme Court affirmed the sentence.

Helen Moronkeji Ogunwumiju serves as a justice of the Supreme Court of Nigeria.