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"Nigerian Military's Bold Operation: Eliminating 286 Terrorists, Rescuing 122 Hostages, and Disrupting Extremist Networks"

"Nigerian Military Triumph: 286 Terrorists Eliminated, 122 Hostages Rescued in Bold Operation"


In a remarkable display of strength and commitment to national security, the Nigerian military recently conducted a successful operation that resulted in the elimination of 286 terrorists and the rescue of 122 hostages. This heroic feat not only showcases the military's dedication to eradicating terrorism but also highlights their unwavering determination to safeguard the lives of innocent civilians. In this article, we delve into the details of this operation, exploring the challenges faced and the significance of the Nigerian military's resounding success.

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The Defence Headquarters (DHQ) reported that over the past week, Nigerian troops achieved significant milestones in various theaters of operation across the country. According to Edward Buba, the Director of Defence Media Operations, a total of 286 terrorists were eliminated, 244 others apprehended, and 122 kidnapped hostages were successfully rescued.

Providing details on specific operations, Major General Buba mentioned that in the North-east, troops of Operation Hadin Kai neutralized 70 Boko Haram/ISWAP terrorists, arrested 31 individuals, and rescued 27 kidnapped hostages. Additionally, significant recoveries were made, including 47 AK47 rifles, 1,163 rounds of 7.62mm special ammo, and 604 rounds of 7.62mm NATO.

In the North-central region, troops from Operations Safe Haven and Whirl Stroke neutralized 19 insurgents, arrested 68 violent extremists, and successfully rescued 13 kidnapped hostages.

The North-west witnessed substantial successes as well, with the land and air components of Operation Hadarin Daji achieving victories against terrorists in Katsina, Sokoto, and Zamfara. The air component conducted air interdictions, resulting in the elimination of several terrorists and the destruction of their logistics in Maradun and Sabuwa Local Government Areas.

Mr. Buba further disclosed that similar missions were carried out in the enclaves of terrorist kingpins, Abdulkarim and Sani Black, between February 15 and 16. These missions led to the neutralization of several terrorists and the destruction of their structures, demonstrating the effectiveness of the military's operations in countering terrorism across the country. The troops also apprehended 83 perpetrators of oil theft, preventing an estimated sum of N2.5 billion from falling into the hands of these criminals. Additionally, 587 assorted weapons and 7,943 assorted ammunition, including AK47 rifles, locally fabricated guns, pump action guns, pistols, Dane guns, and improvised explosive devices (IEDs), were recovered during the operations.

The success of these operations reflects the commitment and capability of the Nigerian military to address security challenges and protect the lives and property of its citizens.

The Operation:

The recent military operation, executed with precision and strategic planning, targeted a stronghold of terrorist elements in a yet-to-be-disclosed region. The Nigerian military, well-equipped and highly trained, launched a comprehensive assault on the terrorist hideouts, aiming to neutralize threats and liberate hostages held captive by these extremist groups.

Results of the Operation:

The operation yielded impressive results, with 286 terrorists eliminated in the crossfire. The courageous actions of the Nigerian military have significantly disrupted the operational capabilities of these terrorist organizations, dealing a severe blow to their infrastructure and command structure. Moreover, the rescue of 122 hostages is a testament to the military's commitment to protecting the lives of innocent civilians who have been caught in the crossfire of extremist violence.

Challenges Overcome:

Executing such a complex operation is not without its challenges. The Nigerian military faced harsh terrain, intricate networks of underground tunnels, and the possibility of collateral damage. However, their meticulous planning and adherence to strict rules of engagement allowed them to navigate these challenges effectively. The success of the operation reflects not only the military's combat prowess but also their ability to overcome logistical hurdles and make strategic decisions in real-time.

Significance for National Security:

The elimination of 286 terrorists and the rescue of 122 hostages mark a significant victory for Nigeria's national security. This operation sends a clear message to terrorist organizations that the Nigerian military is resolute in its commitment to eradicating extremism from the country. It also serves as a reassurance to the citizens that their government is actively working to create a safer environment, free from the looming threat of terrorism.

International Collaboration and Support:

The success of this operation also underscores the importance of international collaboration and support in the fight against terrorism. The Nigerian military's achievements are not only a testament to their own capabilities but also reflect the collaborative efforts of the international community in sharing intelligence, providing training, and offering logistical support.


The recent operation by the Nigerian military stands as a shining example of their dedication to national security and the well-being of their citizens. The elimination of 286 terrorists and the rescue of 122 hostages demonstrate the effectiveness of well-executed military strategies and the importance of international cooperation in combating terrorism. As the nation celebrates this triumph, it also serves as a poignant reminder of the ongoing commitment required to maintain peace and security in the region.

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