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Scalable Advantage - Defined by Google

Google has clearly simplified the definition of scalable advantage for startups. Type "Scalable Advantage"on chrome browser, it is possible you would see something that looks thus (see image below). Simply, Google has saved you the time to read the main piece by explaining it through concatenation of the contents. Scalable Advantage captures components of marginal costs (transaction and distribution costs) crystallized in the ageless insights from  Sun Tzu's Art of War: protect your flanks.

You need Scalable Advantage

Comment on Linkedin

The main piece on Tekedia was written sometime ago, and in the age big data, with amalgam of information everywhere; one struggles to keep track on some important documents.

People, there's a huge knowledge repository on Tekedia, only if you take some time to review the contents covered in the last 18 months, you will discover that full business programmes take place here, with more students and instructors enrolling on daily basis...

Scalable advantage is key, because when the path to growth is not clear, including its cost elements; it could be that the path to extinction is clearer. Nothing like 'steady state' in business, because to even deliver the same level of profits from the previous year is a growth on itself, when you factor in other costs metrics over the 12 months.

When you do not know what it costs you to add users or acquire customers, the business may end up closing shop; that clarity is non negotiable.

Good reminder, packed with insights; Scalable Advantage is now synonymous with Ndubuisi and Tekedia. Nice one!

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