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This is the most scary technological trend that should concern political leaders

This is the most scary technological trend that should concern political leaders

It is coming and just like that robots will systematically displace humans of jobs. First, it was outsourcing of jobs to cheap labour countries. Now. it will be sending the  jobs to robots within national boundaries. In this age of Trump, the political calculus will not be to blame trade treaties.

In a new report from Digitimes, Foxconn executive Dai Jia-peng has laid out the company’s three-step plan for automating its Chinese factories. The company’s ultimate goal is to fully automate production of things like PCs, LCD monitors, and its most famous product—the iPhone.

Foxconn makes its own manufacturing robots, known as Foxbots, and has already deployed about 40,000 of them. Some, which the company considers “stage one,” assist workers at their stations. Foxconn already has individual fully automated production lines—they’re “stage two”—in factories in Chengdu, Chongquing, and Zhengzhou.

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Stage three of the process would be fully automated factories, with only a handful of workers.

If this happens, even the Chinese government will be concerned since the peace of that country depends on the ability to provide jobs to the citizens Every other country should also be concerned. Why? The economic inequality will experience the highest level ever because only the rich and investors will benefit from robotic automation as workers will lose their jobs.

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