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What Is Zenvus?

What Is Zenvus?

Zenvus is an intelligent solution for farms which uses proprietary electronic sensors to collect soil data like moisture, nutrients, pH, etc. It then sends the data to a cloud server via GSM, satellite or Wifi. Algorithms in the server analyze the data and advice farmers on farming processes. As the crops grow, the system deploys special cameras to build crop vegetative health index for detection of drought stress, pest and diseases. Our system has the capability to tell a farmer what, how, and when to farm. It has in-built GPS, compass and XL making it possible to map farm boundaries which could be useful during loan and insurance applications.

Zenvus Services

The following are our services built around the solution.

Tekedia Mini-MBA edition 15 (Sept 9 – Dec 7, 2024) has started registrations; register today for early bird discounts.

Tekedia AI in Business Masterclass opens registrations here.

Join Tekedia Capital Syndicate and invest in Africa’s finest startups here.

  • zManager: an electronic farm diary to record all phases of farming activities
  • zPrices: provides real-time produce prices across major African cities
  • zCapital: a marketplace where farmers raise capital from investors
  • zCrowdfund: farmers raise capital from local donors in exchange for produce
  • zInsure: a marketplace to buy farming insurance for farmers
  • zMarkets: a digital platform for farmers to sell their produce

Zenvus Solutions

  • Zenvus Boundary – helps farmers map boundaries of farms. They can use the output to independently obtain farmland titles from governments. Zenvus team can do this for co-operatives or governments or farmers can use Zenvus technology to do the mapping.
  • Zenvus Fusion – Zenvus Fusion is a service for governments and development organizations which is designed to help build Soil Fertility Map in constituencies across Africa
  • Zenvus Insights: This helps farmers understand the soil conditions of their farmlands through sensors that deliver appropriate data to their phones or computers. With this, farmers can effectively manage fertilizer application, irrigation and in general take guesswork out of farming. The analytics is part of the Zenvus precision farming sensors provided.

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