Home Community Insights Where Do You See Yourself In The Next Five Years?

Where Do You See Yourself In The Next Five Years?

Where Do You See Yourself In The Next Five Years?

How do you hope to see your career developing over the next five years?

It’s normal to struggle with this kind of question because you will agree with me that thinking about the future is hard. As far as I know, five years can easily go fast, but on paper, it can be a challenge. I believe talking about the present is much easier to elaborate. The habit you inculcate in this present time will have a great impact on how your career will develop over the next five years.

As a content writer, you know most content begins with written words. It doesn’t matter what kind of content you produce, there is a way to continue developing when you apply the techniques that are given below:

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  • Research More

For my career to develop more over the next five years, there is a need for me to research more. By making more research, you will be able to fill your brain with great content ideas. It is important to note that research shouldn’t be reserved for planning or writing sessions only. Because the quality of your content will escalate significantly if you do it on a constantly, as ideas pop into your head.

  • As soon as you get an idea, start scrawling down ways you could cultivate it.

Ideas cannot stand on its own which is why you need to cultivate it. You can either wait until it’s time to produce your content to think about what you want to say, or the an easier way, start to cultivate your ideas before its time to write. You can do the latter by searching for major points you’d like to make about the topic and URLs for Web pages that provide additional information. This can sometimes help in having your entire outline completed before it’s time to sit down and write.

  • Write in your special voice

Being a content writer, you need to be unique in your way. There is no need to copy someone else. Your content should depict your style which is special to your personality or brand. After developing your voice, which is just the beginning because you need to continuously hone your skills too. The reason is that, style is your most prized possession as a writer.

  • Complexity and length should match

The readability rating of your content should be high. This is important because two things make writing hard to read. The first one is not giving enough detail and giving only a spotty analysis of an idea. While the second one is to try to give too much detail for the space allowed. In a case where you want your content to be long or short, you need to make sure you only go as deep as your length allows.

  • Eliminate the hype.

Finally, there is a need to eliminate the hype because readers don’t want to waste time on content that isn’t accurate and trustworthy. All you need to do is to follow the rules which are; no hype and no stretching the truth.

Final Word…

In Conclusion, I hope that while making use of the aforementioned techniques, a Content writer like me will be able to see their career developing over the next five years.

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