Home Community Insights 6 Video Games that you can only be played on your Mobile

6 Video Games that you can only be played on your Mobile

6 Video Games that you can only be played on your Mobile

Playing video games on your Mobile can be convenient. The device at your disposal can help you spare so much time. Whether you will be waiting for a bus, standing in line somewhere, sitting at your favorite seats, or lying in bed, there are plenty of games that can keep you busy to pass the time. Another advantage that you will enjoy is engaging yourself quickly and avoiding costly mistakes and fatigue.

Most mobile applications that are being developed have become popular among video gaming players across the globe. When you hear open video games conversation, players only look for games that bring an immersive experience. These are six video games you can enjoy on your Mobile devices.

  1. Dawn of Isles

Dawn of Isles contains a vibrant world where those who want to play it can build their island paradise from the foundation going upward. When playing this game, you have opportunities to collect your building resources as you construct your workshop and piers to produce, process, and begin to sell your goods. Additionally, you can take part in taming exotic pets and enjoy fishing minigames.

Pets in this game are also given unique skill trees to unlock various potentials as they explore the world around them. You can also choose various weapons and skills to begin your combat styles. You can download it on Android and IOS that integrates most gaming sites like promotion.com.ng for players to enjoy gaming experience.

  1. Perfect World Mobile

Perfect World Mobile is a video game that was modified from the Perfect World International for the mobile version. This game modification led the developer to overhaul graphics and the open world to fit the mobile space.

Players who enjoy fantasy games can engage in this game to enjoy hot air balloon competition as they test their skills and teamwork effort when they take part in the stormy high sea that has Dragon God as they try to uncover various secrets on the way.

When playing this game, players can choose from eight classes: Wizards, Archer, Soul Hunter, Vulpine, Assassin, Blademaster, and Barbarian. At each class, you will participate in combat that includes taming powerful pets, dealing with high damaging physical strength battles, and more.

  1. Wilderness

Wilderness is designed to fit video game players who want to enjoy their leisure activities casually. In this game, as you try to explore the wilderness in the game, you will not encounter enemies or quests. You will only face natural wilderness areas where you are expected to explore.

Wilderness helps players enjoy their quiet time and enjoy across arrays of views. This game is an indie developer project that doesn’t have adverts. Additionally, players can fly like a hawk, take various photos in photo mode and go skating on a frozen northern lake.

  1. Evil Lands

Playing evil lands can bring a direct experience to those who want to play this game. Players have the opportunity to battle dragons and monsters to become heroes on that land. This game features real-time gameplay where players can participate in multiplayer and use different types of maps to explore the evil land as they take part in their quests.

Players in the game can also pick between several classes such as upgrades, items, and skills. This game also features PvP modes where players can take part in battles against each other to determine the most assertive person among them and a cooperative mode where players can select themselves to team up and raid the other team in an epic battle that is full of fun moments.

  1. Sky: Children of the Light

For those who love adventure, Sky: Children of the Light is the game for you. This is a social adventure game around an open world where players’ tasks to explore the world in the game using their capes for flying purposes are to go around the available realm. You will be expected to go around the seven available realms, which all have different themes during the play.

The themes are set for players to explore various stages of their lives. When exploring each theme, you will encounter different things and places to explore. This game focuses mainly on social mechanics where players can meet new friends on the way, and a friendship develops as they get alone; they discover and unlock their new abilities. You will also enjoy various cosmetic options such as capes and instruments.

  1. Arcane Legends

This is another interesting mobile game where players can decide to team up and explore the world of Arcane Legends. This world is set in an area that contains many mysteries and is full of danger.

Players will battle with goblins, trolls, necromancers, and other creatures during the adventure as they navigate through the world of Arcane Legends. Players are also expected to select their companion for the journey, which includes different animals.

Final Verdict

You can access these games wherever you are at your own convenient time with your mobile device. They are a great way to relax, have fun and pass the time alone or with friends.

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1 THOUGHT ON 6 Video Games that you can only be played on your Mobile

  1. Mobile gaming is super convenient, no doubt about it. Whether you’re waiting for a bus, standing in line, or just lounging around, your phone can be your gaming buddy. Plus, it’s a quick way to engage without making any costly mistakes or getting fatigued. And with so many popular games available, you’re sure to find something immersive to enjoy on your mobile device.

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