Home Community Insights Entrepreneurship isn’t a title, it’s a way of life

Entrepreneurship isn’t a title, it’s a way of life

Entrepreneurship isn’t a title, it’s a way of life

You’re the CEO of your life, other times you’re the CEO of a business, live like one.

Allow me share my story with you.

There was this one time as a child about 13 years old when I started learning how to use the computer at a cyber cafe. My dad bought a desktop and a printer for me to continue my learning experience at home.

I’ve been learning Corel draw on my desktop for a while and I convinced my dad to get A4 papers for me that would enable me to print my designs.

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It was a moment of excitement for a 13-year-old me when I finally got to see my designs on paper.

I was feeling fly.

About the same time I was enjoying my newly found passion in the designing space, my church had an ongoing revival and the pastor asked the members to bring envelopes to church before the weekends.

Bum, A thought immediately crossed my mind, ‘what if I used my A4 papers to make envelopes and sell it in church’.

After the revival on that day, I spoke about it to my dad and mum, and I got the go-ahead.

The next day I proceeded to get a paper gum, I dismantled one of the ready-made envelopes I saw at home to observe how the paper was cut and folded to make an envelope.

After about an hour, I finally made my first envelope.

I’ll Repeat that statement aloud ‘I made my first envelope’

After making a couple of envelopes, I handed it over to my dad who is an usher at the church to help me market my product.

I can’t recall the amount I sold each but I’m sure it is either N10 or N20.

If my memory serves me right, I made a 100% sale on the first day and felt on top of the world.

Making money at age 13, what could go wrong?

This story I shared is just one of the little insights into my entrepreneurial journey.

I’m sure you want to share yours, just spare me 3 minutes so we can expose the entrepreneur inside of you.

I’m going to reveal 3 things about you that qualifies you as an entrepreneur, let’s jump right into it.  

  • You’ve been punished by your teacher or parent 

Disobedience is mostly the prerequisite for punishment either by parents or teachers.

Isn’t it funny that Entrepreneurs are rewarded for the exact same thing ‘disobedience’.

Entrepreneurs must do what others say can’t be done to be rewarded.

Contrary to popular opinion, society doesn’t only punish criminals, it also punishes entrepreneurs.

I’m sure you’ve heard of the numerous challenges great entrepreneurs had to face to become successful. 

Society likes order, entrepreneurs disrupt order. Little wonder why society doesn’t favor entrepreneurs. 

Punishment is a sign that shows you’re willing to take risks even against popular opinions. 

Although this attitude is punished in school, it is absolutely vital in the real world, there is no manual that teaches you how to live life so you must be willing to take initiative.

We’ve all been punished, right? 

  • Crazy Idea crosses your mind 

How does telephone work?

How can I teleport out of Nigeria? 

How can I read people’s thoughts? 

These are a few of the ideas that have crossed my mind, I’ll be waiting to listen to your crazy ideas in the comment section.

Like Einstein said “imagination is everything, it’s the preview of life’s coming attraction”

Steve Jobs said “Everything around you that you call life was made up by people that were no smarter than you and you can change it, you can influence it, you can build your own things that other people can use”

Don’t ever shut yourself from embracing your crazy ideas’

The more crazy your ideas sound to people, the greater the reward when accomplished.

Now onto the last thing. 

  • You always crave for more 

Just like Oliver famously said ‘Please sir, I want more’ in the movie Oliver Twist. I sure haven’t met anyone who isn’t hungry for more whether that means more money, more achievement, etc.

Although Some are willing to sacrifice a lot for their ambitions than others, we all want more in one or more areas of life. This desire is a powerful indication of the entrepreneur within you.

Don’t kill the fire of entrepreneurship within you.

Like I said at the beginning of our conversation, you don’t have to be a CEO to develop the entrepreneur within you, leading your life is the greatest form of entrepreneurship. 

 How are you leading your life? 

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3 THOUGHTS ON Entrepreneurship isn’t a title, it’s a way of life

  1. This is quite unrelated to the content of your article but it struck me that all the while reading your article, I assumed it was written by a female rather than a by male and it was only on reaching the end of the article and after seeing your bio, that I learned otherwise. This was obviously due to the image of the female you put at the start of the article. This struck me as the power of PERCEPTION. That you can use symbols – words and images – to project a picture of yourself to the world and have them perceive you the way you want them to!!…Very interesting.

    • Very interesting indeed. That’s what branding is all about, projecting the image of yourself you want your audience to see.
      Thanks for sharing your thoughts.

  2. Very interesting indeed. That’s what branding is all about, projecting the image of yourself you want your audience to see.
    Thanks for sharing your thoughts.

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