Home Community Insights Faith Nwaobia discusses the biggest event happening in Niger Delta region

Faith Nwaobia discusses the biggest event happening in Niger Delta region

Faith Nwaobia discusses the biggest event happening in Niger Delta region

Networking is the best thing anyone can spend time building. They say, ”Your network is your net worth.”

When you try different things in different ways and it’s not working, try to do it differently by networking. Faith Nwaobia spends some time to talk about the biggest event in the Niger Delta region.

Can you please introduce yourself to the audience?

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Thank you, Chinedu.

My name is Faith Nwaobia, I am a social selling consultant and a LinkedIn brand strategist.

I can’t deny that. I must confess that I love your work online and I have much respect for you. I see from your work that you promote entrepreneurship, can you share more about that?

Aww, thank you for the kind remarks, Chinedu. 

Sure I support entrepreneurship because that’s the only way we can come out of the problems of unemployment in Africa, particularly in Nigeria.

My team and I have embarked on a mission to revive the spirit of apprenticeship in our young people by encouraging them to consider it as an alternative to white-collar jobs which is hardly available after graduation from the university.

We are also developing a platform to educate Africans with trending digital skills through a digital school with partnership from an entrepreneur in US Mowlid Aden. 

Of course we are not leaving the aspect of exposing young people on how they can make legitimate income through the internet as media strategist especially the LinkedIn platform which offers amazing opportunities.

So I can say the journey has been an awesome experience so far.

That’s a great course, my bro. I love your hard-working spirit. Then one thing I have seen from you sharing online recently, LinkedIn Local Port Harcourt. Can you share more about the event?

Oh, that’s definitely a must for me to share.

Yes, recently I took my time to examine how much impact the LinkedIn platform has made in Africa, then I discovered that it’s in Nigeria you have the most active users in Africa; and coming to Nigeria, everything seems to end in Lagos. Yet we still have a great number of professionals and businesses outside of Lagos, especially in the Niger Delta Area of Nigeria. 

The pattern here hasn’t been favourable when it comes to professional networking, unlike in Lagos. Even Chinedu, I can vividly state that most professionals working in Port Harcourt do not know fellow professionals in other industries let alone from other neighboring cities. That’s bad for business and commerce. 

This is why we are leveraging the LinkedIn Local Platform, which is the biggest social networking event that connects business leaders and professionals to integrate and develop together.

This LinkedIn Local that will be held in Port Harcourt isn’t just for Port Harcourt residents but for all people working and also for business people in Niger Delta. 

There would be amazing career and business expos, executive masterclass and recognition of key brands in Niger Delta that have contributed in expanding business and career opportunities in the region.

I don’t think it’s an event anyone would want to miss.

What would job seekers, entrepreneurs and corporate organizations gain from this event?

For jobseekers, in fact, that’s the best place to meet your next employer because almost all the key players in the industry and even recruiters are well represented. That’s like the best biggest career expo ever in the region. Equally it would be an opportunity to learn new job search strategies and interview techniques required to make it through a successful career transition.

For Entrepreneurs and Corporate Organizations, the event will be a platform to form alliances and collaborative partnerships with both within and outside markets as many other industry players from outside Niger Delta will be available to share ideas on possible market expansion and integration. Equally, we are looking at ensuring that all brands that would be present would receive a regular brand promo using our LinkedIn platform to showcase their services and products to the global community, with the opportunity to join the business directory list being developed by the LinkedIn Local community in Niger Delta.  

Whichever party that would be around, even for recruiters who we are designing a session for a masterclass on the trending hiring processes and strategies to manage the different generations of workers especially the generation Zs.

I see a very big breakthrough for anyone involved. Where can people purchase tickets for this event?

The tickets are now available online via: https://linkedinlocalph.com/register/

There are different packages for each intending participant whether as an individual professional, freelancer or a corporate body.

That’s awesome. What should we expect from you in the next five years?

That’s a long time brother,……laughs

Okay In the next 5 years I want to see that I have developed more than 1000 young people doing best for themselves as entrepreneurs or intrapreneurs.

That kind of success is what would make my 5 years time an amazing future.

Thank you, Faith, may your dreams come true.

Amen brother,,…and thank you for having me here. I have always admired your work. 

Keep helping to light up humanity.

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