Home Community Insights First Live Transaction on Collateral Settlement conducted between JPMorgan, BlackRock and Barclays

First Live Transaction on Collateral Settlement conducted between JPMorgan, BlackRock and Barclays

First Live Transaction on Collateral Settlement conducted between JPMorgan, BlackRock and Barclays

JPMorgan, one of the largest banks in the world, has announced that it has successfully completed the first live transaction using its blockchain-based collateral settlement platform, called Collateral Central. The platform aims to streamline and automate the process of moving and managing collateral across multiple clearing houses, custodians, and counterparties.

Collateral Central is a platform that connects borrowers and lenders in a decentralized and transparent way. It allows borrowers to use their crypto assets as collateral to get loans in stablecoins, and lenders to earn interest by supplying liquidity to the platform.

Collateral is an asset or a guarantee that is pledged by a borrower to secure a loan or a derivative contract. It serves as a protection for the lender or the other party in case of default or non-performance. Collateral management is a complex and costly process that involves multiple parties, systems, and jurisdictions. It requires constant monitoring, reconciliation, and optimization of the collateral positions to ensure that they meet the regulatory and contractual requirements.

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JPMorgan’s Collateral Central platform leverages blockchain technology to create a shared ledger that records and tracks the collateral movements and balances in real-time. It also enables smart contracts that automate the calculation and execution of margin calls, collateral substitutions, and interest payments. The platform reduces operational risks, errors, and delays, while increasing transparency, efficiency, and liquidity.

The first live transaction on Collateral Central was conducted between JPMorgan, BlackRock and Barclays, two of the leading participants in the global derivatives market. The transaction involved a bilateral repurchase agreement (repo), which is a short-term loan secured by collateral. The platform facilitated the exchange of U.S. Treasury bonds as collateral between the two banks, as well as the settlement of interest payments.

JPMorgan said that the transaction demonstrated the potential of blockchain technology to transform the collateral management industry, which is estimated to handle over $10 trillion worth of assets globally. The bank also said that it plans to onboard more clients and partners to Collateral Central in the coming months, as well as to expand its capabilities and features.

The first step to use Collateral Central is to create a wallet that supports the platform, such as MetaMask or Trust Wallet. Then, you need to deposit some crypto assets to your wallet, such as ETH, BTC, or any ERC-20 token. These assets will serve as your collateral when you want to borrow stablecoins from the platform.

The next step is to connect your wallet to the Collateral Central website and choose the amount and type of stablecoin you want to borrow. The platform will automatically calculate the interest rate and the collateral ratio for your loan. The interest rate is determined by the supply and demand of each stablecoin on the platform, and the collateral ratio is the percentage of collateral value over loan value. For example, if you want to borrow 100 USDC with a collateral ratio of 150%, you need to deposit 150 USDC worth of crypto assets as collateral.

The platform will then lock your collateral in a smart contract and send you the stablecoins to your wallet. You can use the stablecoins for any purpose, such as paying bills, trading, or investing. You can also repay your loan at any time by sending back the stablecoins plus interest to the platform. The platform will then unlock your collateral and return it to your wallet.

If you are a lender, you can also use Collateral Central to earn passive income by supplying liquidity to the platform. You just need to deposit some stablecoins to your wallet and connect it to the Collateral Central website. Then, you can choose which stablecoin pool you want to join and how much you want to deposit. The platform will then send your stablecoins to a smart contract and start accruing interest based on the borrowing demand of each stablecoin.

You can withdraw your stablecoins plus interest at any time by sending a request to the platform. The platform will then send your stablecoins back to your wallet from the smart contract.

Collateral Central is a platform that aims to provide a simple and secure way for crypto users to access liquidity without selling their assets. It also offers an opportunity for stablecoin holders to earn interest by lending their coins to the platform. By using smart contracts and blockchain technology, Collateral Central ensures that all transactions are transparent and trustless, and that users have full control over their funds.

JPMorgan is not the only bank that is exploring the use of blockchain technology for collateral management. In 2019, Deutsche Bank and Commerzbank completed a pilot project using distributed ledger technology (DLT) to automate the settlement of securities lending transactions. In 2020, BNP Paribas and Credit Suisse executed a live cross-border collateral swap using DLT. These initiatives show that blockchain technology has the potential to revolutionize the way financial institutions manage their collateral and optimize their capital.

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