Home Community Insights Immersive Facilities Management Practice in Nigeria in the Midst of COVID-19 Second Wave

Immersive Facilities Management Practice in Nigeria in the Midst of COVID-19 Second Wave

Immersive Facilities Management Practice in Nigeria in the Midst of COVID-19 Second Wave
Covid-19 affected industrial sectors

The first and the last time to start immersive facilities management practice in Nigeria is now. From late 2019 to 2020, businesses and individuals experienced how pandemic can disrupt every aspect of the society. In developed and developing countries, the first 15 days of 2021 has indicated that more need to be done in making society works for businesses and individuals in the face of ravaging COVID-19. Available reports about the disease impacts across the world are not positive. People are dying. Businesses are losing revenue.

As Nigeria continues to have her pie of the impact, immersive facilities management practice is becoming more necessary now than the year we envisaged it would come into reality in Nigeria [outcomes of the research have not been published]. Immersive within the context of smart business operation practice has been seen as deeply engaging, multisensory and digitally driven by Deloitte, a global management consulting company. According to the management guru, using virtual reality, automated reality, 360° video, mixed reality, and other technologies have the potential of creating a sustainable superior client experience. Unity 3D and Photon Unity Networking are also available.

Among the numerous technologies available for IFM practice, virtual reality remains the most appropriated. It enables co-value creation and co-experience sharing. In places, where it is adopted, building users, facilities managers, vendors and designers usually walk together in the same ‘virtual building’.

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When these stakeholders are together fun and imaginations about the building are explored. These experiences are not totally neglected in the current FM practice. However, the pandemic has pushed the need for adoption and implementation of immersive FM practice, which will encourage the utilization of interactive tools for maintenance of critical, soft and hard facilities.  When immersed in virtual reality, facilities managers, users and owners of facilities would be more protected from contracting the disease.


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