Home Community Insights Let’s Migrate To The Modernized Pattern In Nigeria

Let’s Migrate To The Modernized Pattern In Nigeria

Let’s Migrate To The Modernized Pattern In Nigeria

Every discerning mind across the globe seriously prays for succession, because it is one of the basic features of progress. An individual or entity can only boast of progression when a new thing belonging to them emerges at intervals to their delight.

It’s appalling and pathetic to realize that in contemporary Nigerian society, most individuals or groups still depend on ancient ways of doing things in a century that has boldly and proudly welcomed a modern pattern of living or operation.

It becomes more disturbing and disheartening when observed that most people who address themselves as ‘professionals’ still make use of this crude pattern that ordinarily ought have been eroded by the emergence of the ‘digital age’.

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It’s noteworthy that the modern/digital age is synonymous with technology. Hence, for anyone to be fully part of the contemporary society, he/she must integrate him/herself into the tech world.

Individually or as a group, we must be ready to duly embrace this modern system of living in our respective fields of endeavour. We mustn’t continue to dwell in a retrogressive approach while addressing any plight that arises.

Nigeria as a country, in various areas of her economy, these crude measures are invariably deployed. On a daily basis, most sectors within the shores of the country suffer great neglect or ineptitude as a result of inability of the concerned authorities to imbibe modern methodology.

In the mining sector, for example, several solid minerals such as gemstones, metals and what have you, are bound in different quarters of the Nigerian State. But most times, these minerals are still being dug from the earth crust via the use of crude techniques.

Also, owing to lack of mechanized techniques, whenever the minerals are acquired from the ground, they would be exported to the foreign nations as raw materials because they can’t be readily processed here. In the long run, the citizens would end up purchasing foreign-made products that ordinarily, should have been produced in the country. Such a practice is a shame, to assert the least, hence calls for a due review from the relevant bodies.

Even the oil and gas sector, where the country currently relies on, is experiencing such colossal neglect. The citizenry consistently purchases fuel and allied products, which were processed overseas, because the country lacks the required mechanized system known as refinery to carry out the processing as soon as they are drilled.

The agricultural sector isn’t left out. The country’s farmers, particularly the commercial ones, still participate in farming via crude patterns. The four major segments in the agric wing, namely, cultivation, harvest, processing and storage, are yet to be fully carried out with the aid of a mechanized system.

A particular farm produce, when aptly processed, could provide a variety of foods in the markets or on the table. It’s worth noting that many of the products possess this fantastic quality. But, regrettably, it’s often being exported as a single commodity, thereby causing the country to lose several millions of naira on a regular basis.

Nigeria’s education and health sectors are also suffering from this plight or phenomenon. The old ways of teaching or impaction of knowledge are still being deployed in the various citadels of learning therein. That’s the reason most of the students are yet, or still finding it difficult, to key into the Information Technology (IT) world.

In most hospitals or health centres across the federation, outdated instruments cum laboratory equipment still dominate the arena, hence making it impossible for the practitioners to perform their duties effectively and efficiently as required.

What about the country’s public service system? It’s indeed saddening that a sector of this kind, that’s densely characterized with highly learned individuals, is still dwelling in the past. Just a peep into the said domain would make you gush fathomless tears.

The list is obviously endless as regards the sectors that still adore the crude pattern of operation within the shores of the country. This is why the governments must act fast and genuinely if they are truly ready to get it right or move in the more deserved direction.

Though the choice is theirs, they must comprehend that as long as this custom lingers, they will continue to deprive themselves of a milestone that’s liable to positively turn the country’s economy around in its entirety. This is the reason actions are required to be expedited without further ado.

The situation has conspicuously gone out of hand that a stringent measure is needed towards addressing it headlong. The deplorable state of Nigeria’s various institutions and sectors, due to the continual use of crude pattern, is seriously in need of a candid and strict approach if she must progress headlong.

It’s high time the existing orientation is changed by facing the realities of the day squarely at all cost. The leaders need to unequivocally challenge themselves by understanding that technology has come to stay, hence ought to be seen as the only pattern in vogue.

They must key into the most reigning and acceptable methods by jettisoning the ones that are obsolete, or have been overtaken by events, by throwing them into the waste bin where they rightly belong. This is the only and best way the country can forge ahead for the good of all.

There should be strong legislation regarding this clarion call. There’s need for a comprehensive legislative backing with a view to fully embracing tech-driven policies and measures in most of the country’s public sectors. This will surely go a long way in tackling the menace.

It’s even amusing, and shocking too, to realize that the country’s legislative chambers still deliberate their plenaries with the aid of mere crude methodology. It’s painful to acknowledge that, at the moment, the institutions that are constitutionally imbued with the powers to come up with the required legal backing as proposed above are yet to embrace modern techniques or mechanized pattern. It’s really astonishing, to say the least.

We can only end this glaring self-deceit by understanding that the benefits inherent in any technologically-approach system are unquantifiable, thus cannot be overemphasized. It enables work to be done so easily and swiftly, thereby saving time, energy, cost, and what have you.

In different quarters, it has been reliably proven that systems that are tech-driven or mechanized often boast of greater efficiency in performance, productivity strength, and output, among others. More so, it has been observed to be result-oriented when compared to the crude ones.

Even though you would spend more funds to acquire – or migrate to – a mechanized system, the interesting truth remains that in the long run, you stand to make several more millions of the money invested. This is a fact we must embrace in earnest.

It’s high time Nigerians made their ancestors proud by swiftly keying into the modernized pattern that has all it takes to excel.

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