Home Community Insights LinkedIn Local Abuja will open the door of opportunities. An interview with Ezinne Eke

LinkedIn Local Abuja will open the door of opportunities. An interview with Ezinne Eke

LinkedIn Local Abuja will open the door of opportunities. An interview with Ezinne Eke

Anything is possible with networking. These days, job seekers do little when it comes to networking. Get your facts right: you can’t get a job in your house. You have to go out there and meet people. Build connections and rapport with people because people hire people they trust and know. People do business with people they also know and trust as well.

Jobs these days don’t come on a platter of gold, someone must recommend you to your potential employees. That’s what makes it easier. For job seekers that sit at home and apply for jobs online, you have to do better.

This reminds me of a fresh graduate, Ezinne Eke. She graduated from the Department of Pharmacy, University of Ibadan. Ezinne is a hardcore networker. She’s one of the few graduates who leverage the internet to get what she wants.

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Having met with her several times, I had the pleasure to learn from her again. She shared her journey. The transition into the labour market and how networking on Linkedin has helped her to gain meaningful connections and provide a great opportunity for her to learn in Kigali.

Ezinne Eke, it’s good to have you here again. The last time I have you here was late last year and you shared meaningful insights. What have you been up to these days?

It’s good to have a chat with you as always, Chinedu. I am doing very well.

Well I am basically making changes with my creative mind.

I saw from one of your posts that you visited Kigali some few weeks ago, what’s happening there?

Oh sure, I got funded for training there on HCD. So I was being trained to help develop sustainable solutions for Africa and for my beloved country, Nigeria.

Really! That sounds great. I never doubted your ability to transform the world. What are the things you learn and how did you plan to implement it in our beloved country and continent?

Human Centered Design is a process. During my visit to Kigali, I learnt how to solve problems basically and how to design solutions.

For me, it’s the Education, Health System and Finance. These issues pique my interest based on my own experience.

I can see you have been fully loaded. Is it something feasible in a country like Nigeria?

Sure! I love that we have a lot of problems in Nigeria. I really do.

It just takes being connected with the cables of influence. I sincerely do pray for that everyday.

We have room for development, our people face issues, real issues that look abnormal to the world but normal to us.

I don’t know how exactly but I really am interested.

I am sure you will overcome this. Let’s talk about Abuja. I have been seeing your recent posts about Abuja. What’s happening in Abuja?

Do you mean the LinkedIn Local event?

Well, we are hosting the Abuja LinkedIn Local.

Just like all local events, we hope to bring real connections for partnership and deals.

We are hosting 100 LinkedIn professionals.

Wow, a hundred professionals are massive. What’s the theme of the event and what do you want to achieve with it?

Well,I am not the primary host of the event. The chief host is Fife Banks.

This would be the third edition. Just because I love networking and I also have excellent organizational skills, I became a part of the team.

That’s amazing to hear from you my dear friend. As a member of the team, why would you advise people to join the event?

I will definitely advise the people to attend due to several reasons:

  • The event is going to be amazing.
  • The list of panels and Calibre of professionals is something to tap in.
  • It would be a great time to learn, strategize and build meaningful connection

You have mentioned a list of panels but we still don’t know them. If I may ask, who are the guests?

The list of panels include the following top professional:

  • Kai Orga
  • Shofola Osho
  • Dayo Benjamin laniyi and amongst others.

I know a few names from that list that you have mentioned and I am sure there are amazing more professionals that will grace the event. How can interested people register for this?

Via this link: http://bit.do/linkedinlocalabuja

Thank you Ezinne, for the chat. I wish you a wonderful event in Abuja.

Thank you, Chinedu. The pleasure is all mine.

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