Home Latest Insights | News Mr. Senate President, Give Us A Deep Seaport in Akwa Ibom or Cross River State

Mr. Senate President, Give Us A Deep Seaport in Akwa Ibom or Cross River State

Mr. Senate President, Give Us A Deep Seaport in Akwa Ibom or Cross River State

Mr. Senate President,

Greetings! I am writing to send this reminder that We The People of Southeast and Southsouth are expecting you to use your influence to make a DEEP seaport possible in either Akwa Ibom state or Cross River state. I write this with the full understanding that you have the capacity to deliver this  for Nigeria.

A DEEP seaport in any of these states will make Nigeria more efficient. Transporting a container from Ibom, Akwa Ibom, to Maiduguri will be cheaper by 30% than from Lagos to the same destination. In short, if you model the routes, it is far cheaper to move items from Akwa Ibom/Cross River to Southeast and the Northeastern corridors of the  nation, compared with moving everything from Lagos.

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I agree that I may be conflicted because I want my state of Abia to benefit. Indeed, the fastest route to the conurbation of Abia and Akwa Ibom states will be through this deep seaport.  If Ibom DEEP seaport becomes a reality, many great things will happen, and the old trade routes all the way to Chad will return. You can be sure that Nigeria’s GDP will see a massive boost.

Sir, I call you to deliver this project because I posit that you have the capacity. No state has the funding ability to make this happen, and that means the federal government must drive the vision. Sure, we can also bring in some private sector players, but that can only happen when the federal government is leading.

Be a legend. Deliver a DEEP seaport in SE/SS because Nigeria desires it. We need it.

The Power of Seaports and for the Rise of Abia and Akwa Ibom States


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