Home Community Insights NASA Dismisses Alleged Crime in Space

NASA Dismisses Alleged Crime in Space

NASA Dismisses Alleged Crime in Space

The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), has investigated a claim of crime from space. It was an allegation that an astronaut has illegally accessed the bank account of her estranged partner from the International Space Station (ISS). It’s deemed to be the first crime ever from space.

The New York Times reported that former Airforce Intelligence, Summer Worden, filed a complaint with the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), that NASA astronaut, Anne McClain has accessed her account from the ISS without authorization.

McClain was in a six months’ mission aboard ISS at the time, and vehemently denied any wrongdoing, telling investigators that it was consensual behavior that dated back to the time they were a couple.

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McClain and Worden were married in 2014, but got divorced in 2018 when McClain accused Worden of violent behavior. Worden filed for divorce claiming that Anne McClain is only looking for an opportunity to keep custody of her child. Worden had a child from a previous relationship and it somehow happened to be a bone of contention to the gay couple.

Worden’s parents also filed another complaint through NASA’s Office of Inspector General. Claiming that McClain had improperly accessed their daughter’s account, conducting a “highly calculated and manipulative campaign” to gain custody of her son. An allegation McClain, through her lawyer, Rusty Hardin, denied. According to him: McClain was monitoring the account to ensure the well-being of Worden’s son. They had been raising him using the same account and password when they were married.

NASA didn’t comment on the matter, citing its policy on personal and personnel matters, that commands “no comments.”

“Lt Col. Anne McClain has an accomplished military career, flew combat missions in Iraq and is one of NASA’s top astronauts. She did a great job on her most recent NASA mission aboard the International Space station.

“Like with all NASA employees, NASA does not comment on personal or personnel matters.” Said NASA’s spokeswoman, Stephanie Schierholz.

McClain had gone to space a few months after her divorce from worden, in preparation for the all-female spacewalk. She spent six months on the ISS but was later replaced. NASA spokeswoman, Megan Summer said the allegation has nothing to do with McClain replacement from the spacewalk team.

Worden is still waiting for a response from the FTC who she said were still assessing the complaint to the inspector general.

However, NASA officials told the Times that they did not know of any crimes that had been committed on the ISS. And the case has been dismissed.

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