Home Community Insights New Provisions on Resolutions Under The Companies and Allied Matters Act 2020 Nigeria

New Provisions on Resolutions Under The Companies and Allied Matters Act 2020 Nigeria

New Provisions on Resolutions Under The Companies and Allied Matters Act 2020 Nigeria

In my last article on resolutions under the Companies and Allied Matters Act, i explained that they are decisions of the board of a company’s directors via a poll . This article will be looking at the provisions of CAMA regarding:-

– The major provisions of the act on resolutions

– Written resolutions

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– Resolutions requiring special notice

– The registration of certain resolutions

– The effect of resolutions passed at adjourned meetings.

What are the major provisions of the act regarding resolutions?

The act provides that :-

-A resolution is an ordinary resolution when it has been passed by a simple majority of votes cast by members of the company as, being entitled to do so, vote in person or by proxy at a general meeting.

-A resolution is a special resolution when it has been passed by at least three-fourths of the votes cast by members of the company as, vote in person or by proxy at a general meeting of which 21 days’ notice, specifying the intention to propose the resolution as a special resolution, has been duly given :-

Provided that, if it is so agreed by majority in number of the members having the right to attend and vote at any such meeting, being a majority together holding at least 95% in nominal value of the shares giving that right or, in the case of a company not having a share capital, together representing at least 95% of the total voting rights at that meeting of all the members, a resolution may be proposed and passed as a special resolution at a meeting of which less than 21 days’ notice has been given.

-At any meeting in which a special resolution is submitted to be passed, a declaration of the chairman that the resolution is carried is, unless a poll is demanded, conclusive evidence of the fact without proof of the number or proportion of the votes recorded in favour of or against the resolution.

-In computing the majority of a poll demanded on the question that a special resolution be passed, reference shall be had to the number of votes cast for and against the resolution.

What are the provisions of the act on written resolutions?

The act provides that all resolutions shall be passed at general meetings and are not effective unless so passed, but in the case of a private company a written resolution signed by all the members entitled to attend and vote are as valid and effective as if passed in a general meeting.

What does the act say regarding the circulation of members’ resolutions? 

-The act provides that subject to provisions of this section, it is the duty of a company, on the requisition in writing of such number of members as specified in this section and (unless the company otherwise resolves) at the expense of the company to –

(a) give to members of the company entitled to receive notice of the next annual general meeting notice of any resolution submitted by a member which may properly be moved and is intended to be moved at that meeting ; and

(b) circulate to members entitled to receive notice of general meeting any statement of not more than 1,000 words with respect to the matter referred to in any proposed resolution or the business to be dealt with at that meeting, and where the statement has more than 1,000 words to circulate a summary of it.

What does the act say about resolutions requiring special notice? 

The act provides that where by any provision contained in this Act, special notice is required of a resolution, the resolution is not effective unless notice of the intention to move it has been given to the company at least 28 days before the meeting at which it is to be moved, and the company shall give its members notice of any such resolution at the same time and in the same manner as it gives notice of the meeting, or if that is not practicable, shall give them notice thereof, either by advertisement in a newspaper having an appropriate circulation, or in any other mode allowed by the articles, at least 21 days before the meeting : Provided that if, after notice of the intention to move such a resolution has been given to the company, a meeting is called for a date 28 days or less after the notice has been given, the notice, though not given within the time required by this act, is deemed to have been properly given.

What does the act say about the registration & copies of certain resolutions?

The act provides that subject to the relevant section of this Act, a printed copy of every resolution or agreement to which this section applies shall, within 15 days after the passing or making of the resolution or agreement, be forwarded to the Corporate Affairs Commission(CAC).

What is the effect of resolutions passed at adjourned meetings?

Where a resolution is passed at an adjourned meeting of- 

(a) a company, 

(b) the holders of any class of shares in a company, or

(c) the directors of a company, the resolution shall, for all purposes be treated as having been passed on the date on which it was in fact passed, and not be deemed to have been passed on any earlier date.

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