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Nigerians, We Must Use Our Brains Appropriately

Nigerians, We Must Use Our Brains Appropriately

My dear and great people of Nigeria, I once again welcome us to another edition of this platform that is targeted to prepare our minds towards the forthcoming 2023 general elections in the country.

I have earlier thoroughly analyzed the issue of zoning and other related matters. At the end, I was apparently able to convince the audience that though zoning is of great importance, it should not be placed as priority while discussing who ought to lead Nigeria as a country.

I was able to communicate to us in a language everyone understood that the fact that a particular aspirant hails from a certain zone or region shouldn’t be in any way a thing of worry if we are truly concerned about credibility or the good of the country at large.

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Today, we are also discussing a similar topic, though of different interpretation. This outing is trying to tell my fellow Nigerians that it is highly bad and ungodly to condemn someone as soon as we set our eyes on him or her, as the case may be, hence this topic

It is no longer news that most times, people seem to hate someone the moment they come across him. For instance, you would notice that sometimes you find yourself developing hatred for a certain person the very moment you see him/her. We have all been guilty of this in one way or the other.

The point is that such a manner of attitude is too bad and uncalled for, to say the least. How could you hate, or even attempt to crucify someone who has done absolutely nothing wrong to you? It does not make sense in any way. This kind of behaviour is what we call persecution.

Persecution is a cruel and unfair treatment melted out to someone over a given period of time. In the past, the Holy writ makes us realize that most apostles of Jesus Christ, or those who preached the gospel after His crucifixion, were all persecuted by the unbelievers. Even Christ was severely persecuted on arrival, by those that lived during His time.

Sometimes, such treatment, or hatred on arrival, could be as a result of envy. If we notice that someone has apparently become more successful than us, or that he/she is being celebrated than usual, we would begin to cast spell on him as if he is the cause of our unsuccessful efforts in our various businesses, trades, or places of endeavour.

It is even funnier when realized that the person you are trying to crucify does not personally know you, or have not had any personal contact or interaction with you. In other words, you are planning the death or downfall of someone who doesn’t know that you, as a person, exist. Such an act, my dear people, is not just wicked but evil, thus likely to attract the wrath of God.

Acknowledging that such an act is, on the contrary, harmful to the person that carries it out, we have no choice than to drop it because no one in his/her real senses would want to hurt him/herself. You cannot continue to nurture interest in something that may, in the long run, cost your happiness or even your precious life.

The truth of the matter is that witch-hunting of someone else is to the detriment of our existence, because the innocent person being witch-hunted has a Supreme Being that fights for him. As long as you are thinking evil for someone who did nothing to you, his Creator can never allow you to go scot-free.

Apart from the above fact, as you use your precious time thinking of how to cause someone’s downfall, you are also wasting the time you would have used to do something meaningful for yourself.

It is painful when realized that people are often busy casting spells on someone whose aspiration means well for Nigeria or the entire people of the country. The truth is that you can’t actually know one’s true idiosyncrasies until you move closer to the person.

But, as we take decisive decisions, it’s imperative to acknowledge the need to adopt an aspirant who is still youthful, exuberant and hearty. The age bracket he or she belongs to should matter a lot to us. You and I know that any project or aspiration that does not have the interest of our young ones, or the youth precisely, does not deserve any support from any sane individual.

We are expected to first and foremost welcome any aspirant towards scrutinizing what he has upstairs or his utmost intention for Nigerians and Nigeria in general. Hence, I urge us to assess him as much as we can. Hence, we must embrace the person and endeavour to have a roundtable discussion with him to enable us discover his actual agenda.

This is simply an assessment time; the period to examine and reexamine one’s aspiration; the moment to scrutinize each of the numerous aspirants across the nook and cranny of the Nigerian State. Ecclesiastes 3 has already made us know that “there is time for everything under the Sun”. So, I expect us to make judicious use of this biblical quote, or inspirational talk.

We ought to, therefore, endeavour to give any aspirant a listening ear and fair hearing. But while we do so, we must be prepared to be wiser than the serpent. This is the only way we, as a people, can ascertain the actual qualities of certain aspirants. Read my lips.

Thank you once again for your time and attention as I plead with us to assemble here next time for another inspirational topic as usual.

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