Home Latest Insights | News Rigging Alert as Nigeria Approves N400 billion for FarmerMoni, TraderMoni Months to Election

Rigging Alert as Nigeria Approves N400 billion for FarmerMoni, TraderMoni Months to Election

Rigging Alert as Nigeria Approves N400 billion for FarmerMoni, TraderMoni Months to Election

It is the largest and the most corrupt institutionalized distortion of democracy in the world. When they began it last time, I called the election for Buhari, months to the election. Now, the APC government is back. Yes, they were sleeping for 3 years and just months to the election, they have found N400 BILLION to share. OBIdient, ATIKUlated, etc disciples, it is going to get extremely harder now because by the time people see alerts, days to elections, common sense will go.

You may say – they can take the money and still vote for the right person. Do not bank on it. In my village, Ovim, Abia State, we had one of the finest men ever lived in that community – Dr ENC Ukpabi, the first indigenous students affairs dean in University of Nigeria Nsukka. He was exceedingly generous and a pillar in the community. His doors were never closed. He returned from America and made his community the united states.

But he also caused problems for the reverends: during catechism, required before baptism in the Church, people were expected to pass an exam. When the Reverend asked them, “Who is your savior?” Many men and women said “Dr Ukpabi”. They failed (forgot the teaching in the catechism that Jesus is the Saviour). Try again, the same result. Simply, many villagers could not understand who could be better than Dr Ukpabi. 

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If APC credits many of our citizens with N30,000 days to the election, good luck debating that paradise has not come to the earth already. What a shame that we continue to score these own-goals on our democracy where the best should WIN fairly.

Tufiakwa that rigging credit alert is back.

As Election Nears, Nigeria Approves N400bn for TraderMoni, FarmerMoni, etc


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1 THOUGHT ON Rigging Alert as Nigeria Approves N400 billion for FarmerMoni, TraderMoni Months to Election

  1. This thing called the APC has abused and violated people’s psyches and sense of independent judgment, to the point of mindless criminality.

    I am still wondering, which aspect of what makes us humans has this government elevated? The progress we made in our electoral process after the 2007 debacle, which gave us fairly decent elections in 2011 and 2015, with them benefiting from the latter; but by 2019, it felt like we got worse again.

    The truth is that the APC is not good for our democracy, you can repeat this assertion anywhere; the facts are there.

    It’s easier to point out physical infrastructural investments, yet we are becoming worse in the things that make us humans. Buhari said the other day that he closed down borders for our farmers’ benefits, do we now have richer and respected farmers with abundance of food for the common man? This is not counting the economic damage the border closure unleashed on SMEs and others, but no one is ever held accountable because irresponsible people hold sway on all levers.

    Let the inverted election rigging shenanigans continue, the PDP knew how it ended when it thought it could buy the 2015. May every evil the APC is planning for 2023 election befall them.

    God, hear our prayers.

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