Home Community Insights The Joy and Challenges of being an Air Hostess. An interview with Chika Anucham

The Joy and Challenges of being an Air Hostess. An interview with Chika Anucham

The Joy and Challenges of being an Air Hostess. An interview with Chika Anucham

One thing is to go to school, and another thing is to stay relevant after graduation. Chika shared the joy and challenges of being an air hostess. I do hope the Minister for Aviation will do the needful.

Can you briefly introduce yourself to the audience?

I am Chikaodi Hannah Anucham. I am a graduate of Accountancy from the Lagos State Polytechnic and also a Licensed Flight Attendant with the Nigeria Civil Aviation Authority.

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An accountant and an air hostess, how’s that combination possible?

Yes, it is very possible!

Growing up, I have always desired to be an Accountant but along the lines, my dream towards being an Accountant changed to being a Flight attendant after I finished my secondary school. But I didn’t know how to go about it.

No one around me got the idea, so I had to follow my Accounting path since it’s my parents dream to see me become an Accountant too.

Wow, that’s interesting. So how were you able to convince your parents about being a flight attendant?

It wasn’t easy convincing them because I happen to be the only daughter of my family. But then, what I am passionate about supersedes every other person’s decision.

That’s the spirit. So how did you find the journey, I mean, your transition from an accountant to an air hostess?

After my National Diploma, I worked with a Logistics firm as an account officer for 2 years which brought me close to having an idea on chasing my dream of becoming a Flight Attendant.

After I resigned from my position as an Accounting Officer, I enrolled for my HND in Accounting again as I wanted to complete my tertiary education. And as part of my findings towards being a Flight Attendant in Nigeria, you must be a highschool graduate because being a graduate gives you a high edge. So I got admitted to study Accounting with the Lagos State Polytechnic while working with a manufacturing firm so I can save up for my Aviation Course which I eventually did.

I graduated in 2018 and I also resigned from my job with the manufacturing firm in December 2018 to be precise. 

I later went ahead to attend a Cabin Crew mentorship class in January 2019 where I was given a proper insight of all I need to know about the job before I invest my hard-earned savings into it.

Having attended the mentorship class which was pioneered by Mamajaviation, I got to realise that the job is more than the glamour which people see. But then I already knew what I wanted for myself, so I took the bold step and registered for my aviation training which got me qualified for my licensing exam. I also worked with the Logistics firm from January 2015 to December 2016.

How about the exam, did you complete it?

Yes, I was able to write my exam with the Nigerian Civil Aviation Authority and I passed as I was meant to understand that if you don’t achieve a certain percentage, you can’t get licensed. And if you don’t pass the licensing exam after writing for 3 consecutive times, you are not entitled to getting a licence again.

Now that you have been certified, what has been delaying your dream of being an air hostess?

The answer to this question is quite complicated.

There’s one thing I can safely conclude and that is – the competition on the job is very much on the high side.

Less Airlines to recruit Flight Attendants with too many Licenced Flight Attendants seeking for a job. Also some airlines who recruit look towards experienced individuals. Thereby making inexperienced individuals like myself to keep applying while the experienced keep getting jobs.

What do you think is the way forward?

First of all, I implore the government to look into the current economic situation in the country as it’s the major factor affecting many airlines. While growing up, I learned about some airlines which today are not in existence again. The government should help create policies that will help airlines grow other than fold-up. When airlines grow, there will be room for employment opportunities but when airlines fold-up, it throws out experienced people out of their job thereby making the market more competitive for inexperienced Flight Attendants.

Also the Government should look into getting an agreement with foreign airlines towards coming down to our country to conduct its interviews as well.

I hope this will go to the appropriate quarters. Where do you see yourself in the next five years?

I have a believe that it will get to the appropriate quarters as the power of the Internet can never be underestimated.

Talking about 5 years from now, I would have acquired more training and certifications relevant to my career and will also love to be a voice for upcoming Flight Attendants.

I wish you all the best in your chosen career. Thank you for your time, Chika.

Thank you Chinedu. It is an honour to be interviewed by you.

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