The hard news on the mission of diversity and inclusion to those excluded for centuries: “President Donald Trump’s administration directed that all federal DEI staff be put on paid leave and eventually be laid off. It also moved to end affirmative action in federal contracting.”
Remember: rich people have their own DEI (diversity, equity and inclusion) and that is called “connections”. But while “D” in “DEI” is being dismantled in Washington DC, the “C” is scaling already. Otherwise, how do you explain why TikTok is getting special treatment against a written and affirmed law of the United States. Is that not “woke” and even a more dangerous part of it?
People, all politicians are the same; they just have their biases. For this era, the game plan is: take down the “D” in DEI which is designed to enable qualified but excluded people to get in, and elevate “connections” so that illegal companies can remain in business. It is the same all over the world, whether in Nigeria, US or Canada, the biggest woke is “connections” and not D in “DEI”. Wokeness means when laws are suspended to enable big corporations and fund bundlers to rise against the clear laws of the land because they have connections.
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We, the small people, do not have those links and are excluded, but most of us cheer because it is bold to sue Harvard to stop accommodating 2% of blacks because it is “woke”, but “it is business” to suspend laws for sactioned corporations to remain in business.
Do not tell me that Diversity is bad where before us ‘Connections” are elevated with TikTok. Between D and C, C is a more toxic woke even if you do not see the irony of our inconsistencies when we fight minorities, only to give big corporations and connected people FREELY, discarding the rule of law.
And across WhatsApps and the Twitter sphere, Nigerians are praising the TikTok pause as though they would be that kind with praises if Tinubu has done a similar act for Dangote. What an open irony as humans praise connections and degrade diversity!
Comment on Feed
Comment: DEI was always a bad idea because it was an iteration of Woke.
My Response: You do not understand the D in diversity, respectfully. Do you know that some of the minorities’ best graduating students in most American schools got in because of diversity initiatives as the “normal system” rejected them. That means the “normal system” discriminates against them since it could not model them well. Obama needed AA to be admitted to Harvard and without that, he would not have been admitted. But then, he went and graduated top of his class as Harvard Law president.
Then on Connections, do you know that about 7% of admissions in some universities are reserved for kids of rich people and CONNECTED? Imagine being in a class and because Mr Collins is rich and attended University B, the son is admitted over you even though he is finishing bottom of the class. Is that woke? Is that better than diversity? Is that connection? But let me tell you: those against diversity enjoy LEGACY ADMISSIONS. Their kids have admission letters already when everyone is waiting for March for fall admissions.
My position is clear: everyone does diversity but their own has fancy names like “legacy admission”, etc. But they attack the diversity left for the small people.
Trump By Punting the Law Against TikTok Shows The Power of Political Economy 101
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Let’s put some perspectives to the conversation, so that we all don’t end up sounding like activists, victims or angry people. We can liken saving Tiktok to saving a bank. You don’t save a bank because the owners or management are well connected, rather you do it because ordinary people have their savings there. If you let a bank collapse just because the management is careless, you end up hurting ordinary people. Tiktok has 170 million Americans, with over 7 million people making incomes from it. The poor we all seem to fight for are also on Tiktok, with millions of them making incomes too. How does shutting down Tiktok help poor people?
These things will always remain moving targets, that people shout and cry does not mean some actions are nepotistic, they are simply what they are. We have to also understand that everything is rigged against small people, and the same small people also fight for the wealthy and highly influential, just to make sure that the latter are comfortable. Therein lies the irony.
If you are neither wealthy nor politically connected, you must not miss out in being wise, with the latter, you can insert yourself somewhere in between. It’s a lost cause fighting for poor masses who are clueless and naive.