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Types Of Contracts That Cannot Be Enforced In Court

Types Of Contracts That Cannot Be Enforced In Court

If you as a National Youth Service Corp (Nysc) candidate pays a person whom they refers as “plug” to get you posted or redeployed to a choice state and the plug fails & you get posted to different location, you cannot go to court to enforce the contract or request for the refund of your money even if you entered into a contract with the plug to that effect. 

If you as a hookup girl or a prostitute enter into an agreement with your “customer” for the customer to pay (either in cash or in-kind) after the sex and the customer refuses to pay after the sex, you cannot go to court to enforce the contract against the customer. (Although there are exceptional instances when a prostitute can drag her customer to court to recover her service money) . 

The same goes for two “Yahoo boys” who enter into an agreement to “package work” & share the money amongst themselves. One of the Yahoo boys cannot go to court to enforce the contract if the other Yahoo boy decides to hold back all the proceeds from the work. 

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The same goes when you as a job seeker pays a “plug” to get you a government job and the job doesn’t come through. You cannot go to court to enforce the contract or seek a refund of your money. 

The most common ones amongst politicians which is during political election you will hear that a political aspirant have approached a deep pocket businessman or an influential person and seek for the businessman to sponsor his campaign/ election or to endorse him, in exchange for some juicy government contract or for some political appointment when the aspirant gets elected.

In fact, it is rumored that some sitting governors enter into contracts with aspiring governors to sponsor their gubernatorial ambitions in exchange that the candidate once elected as governor will be paying the past governor some amount of money from the state treasury.

Most often than not, it is when the aspirant after getting elected fails to honor this contract that the public always get to hear or know that there was a contract of such to that effect but no matter how many lawyer that drafted such contract or no matter who witnessed  contract of this sort, it can never be enforced in the court of law if the candidate after he gets elected decides to renege on the agreement and fails to award the sponsor the contract or give him some political appointment as agreed. 

Same goes when two persons agree to carry out an armed robbery and to split the proceeds of the robbery amongst themselves and since there is no honour amongst thieves, one of the robbers decides to disappear with all the money made from the robbery. It will be absurd for the other rubber to go to court to enforce the contract of splitting the proceeds of the robbery amongst themselves. 

This is because contracts of these natures are illegal and therefore void ab initio, hence cannot be enforced in court. Contracts involving illegal activities (like the examples above) are considered void contracts and therefore cannot be enforced in the court of law because the court of law can never lend itself to enforce illegality. 

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