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Why Email Marketing Is Important for Your Small Business Growth

Why Email Marketing Is Important for Your Small Business Growth

Email marketing channel is a marketing system that allows businesses the means of reaching out to their prospective and existing customers through promotional messages. It’s widely regarded as a cost-effective means of generating leads, improving product sales, building brand awareness, and fostering loyalty with customers. With billions of users, have it mind that email isn’t going anywhere.

Email marketing channel allows you to share messages through email channel. There are many reasons email marketing works effectively. Email can be customized for your customers “Call To Action”, request feedback from your customers, and lots more.

If you’re operating a business, email remains the best way in reaching out to your targeted market globally. Let’s look at it this way. Do you know any literate person that doesn’t have an email address in our contemporary world? So few. It buttresses the point why email has vital impact in our lives, one way or the other.

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Compared with other existing marketing channels today, in reaching out to targeted audience, email remains the best channel for winning over your prospect’s attention, and as well as engaging their emotions. Simply, with email marketing, you can improve your revenue. Till date, email marketing remains the most successful marketing channel for building strong clients relationships.

The pros of email marketing

Permission-based: The bright side of email marketing is that it gives you the benefits of having your marketing list made up of those who truly desired often emails in their inbox. Users who are really interested in your businesses are more likely to connect with you easily.

It has Flexible design structure – you’ll be able to send graphics, text, and attach as many files as needed – depending on what suits your business. The design flexibility features offers you the scope in conveying your message to your targeted market.

It highly scalable – email marketing is a tool used in reaching hundred of audience and millions of targeted users.

Sub-division and personalization – email marketing allows you to personalize your messages as needed. Also, you will be able build your marketing list, by doing this; will allow customers receive prompt messages from you, and making those interested in what you have to opt-in for your products/services.

It is measurable – you will be able give self appraisal on your email’s campaign success through web analytics programs. You’d test different copies, designs, subject lines to see which is most useful among them easily making you to optimize your future emails campaigns greatly.

Improved sales – Making high sales can be likened to email marketing campaign; nowadays, customers get their product through call-to-action. For instance, you can sway your prospect to purchase your product over your competitors thereby giving you more sales. 

Cons of email marketing include

Spam – ‘spam’ or commercial email infuriates customers. It makes things worse if your email is not reaching the right market list; the email users may unsubscribe or delete your email lists. Hence, you should comply with the rules and regulation and never to infringe on user’s privacy

Undelivered emails – Unreached emails may be delivered to your target users if you don’t make use of certain keywords in the content of your email, hence, will get filtered out by email internet service providers and email software.

File Size – Your email content needs to be small enough to be easily get downloaded by your end users. This is because email containing lots of images may take long to load hence losing interest of your audience.

Resources and technical know-how – In having a successful email campaign, make sure you have the right content, design and user’s marketing lists. If you think you’re not up for it, be ready to outsource it to freelancers of this niche.

Some popular brands that offer email marketing

  1. SWIVELTECH: Swivel Technologies end-to-end email solutions helps you grow your email list and activate the potential customers within it. They makes use of email marketing to grow businesses.
  2. CKDIGITAL: It’s a digital marketing company aimed at generating leads for brands through email and newsletter.
  3. LYFE MARKETING: It is an email marketing agency that helps speed up sales cycle. They are also involved in moving prospects from one stage of sales funnel to the next.

Thanks for reading!

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