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Cybersafety: Proven Ways to Keep your Children Safe Online

Cybersafety: Proven Ways to Keep your Children Safe Online

Parenting has always been challenging, especially in the digital age. The advent of social media has equally fraught it with even more challenges. Children now have more access to technology and the internet, which seeps into everything they do, from learning to playing. The internet is a world on its own, with its challenges, and continuous usage has created concern for mindful parents.

When a child is not duly protected against it, they risk being bullied, one of the many dangers that can come upon an unsuspecting child. Parents want their kids to be safe and will do their best to protect them.

How Cybersecurity Affects Your Children

Children are spending much of their time online now more than ever. Most kids aren’t aware of the dangers they are up against. Cyberbullying is a form of bullying using online means and is increasingly common as the digital space has expanded and technology has advanced.

Many parents would like to believe they have the lid regarding their children’s online activities, as explained in this ExpressVPN article, parents aren’t as aware of social media issues. Kids who frequent social media are often oblivious to the harm it can cause and are, thus, at the mercy of online predators. Parents should get involved and adopt better ways to navigate online challenges and keep their children safe.

Besides cyberbullying, UNICEF states Cyberconflict as another online threat to children, directly or indirectly. Some other online risks children are exposed to include exploitation, abuse, exposure to inappropriate content, privacy and data breaches, trafficking, and other subtle threats to their well-being.

Most parents assume that their kids are savvier than them and should know their way around the internet. This could be true, but children can’t fully protect themselves from online risks. Ensuring safety for your kids online is not rocket science and does not necessarily require extensive technical knowledge. There are simple steps parents can undertake to provide security and protection for their kids.

Online Safety Tips That Can Help You Keep Your Kids Safe

Educate Them

Don’t ever think that your kids are too tender to understand the concept of cybersecurity. Explain to them how the internet works and teach them about cybersecurity. When they know, they can look out for themselves online.

You could add bookmarks to their browsers to direct them toward safer websites. NetSmartz offers free resources to educate children and adults on being safe online.

Update Your Software & Enable Parental Control

Make sure to update your software or hardware to the newest version but be cautious of downloading untrustworthy materials.

Most devices come with child protection controls which can be enabled under settings. To further strengthen the “control,” you can create a strong password on your home wireless network and set time limits per user for browsing.

Be Approachable

Keep lines of communication open and let your children know they can come to you with any questions, confusion, or problems they might have encountered online. Get involved in their activities and know who they are talking to.

We live in a digital world, and thus, cybersecurity is a foremost concern for everyone. Keeping your kids safe is of as much importance too. With the proper safety measures set in place, it can go a long way to keep children safe online.

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