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Fasmicro Advisory Services

Please most of the services below are now offered via programs within Tekedia Institute. Go here to explore our programs and enroll.

At Fasmicro Group, we do not recite numbers and tell you what you already know: we deliver unparalleled insights through uncommon perspectives shaped by our experiences as entrepreneurs and advisors in the markets. Our moments are unique because things we share with clients are shaped by our direct exposures to the markets. Fasmicro Advisory Services solutions are structured as follows:

  • Private Client Services: Startup Growth: I have a phone dedicated to startups we serve. It is a service we call Private Client Services: Startup Growth. Through PCS –SG, we work with startups, at any formation level, to create growth. In other words, we hack growth. Our invisible growth-makers get integrated in your operations, and we work with you as partners to fix whatever market friction you are working on. There is no monetary compensation. You will have 24/7 access to me and my team. We will guide you in all phases of building that business. And we have great results not just in Africa but also in Silicon Valley. Learn more here.
  • Diasporas Kickstart: If you are an African Diaspora living or working anywhere on earth, and planning to start a business or even invest at home, and somehow not sure how to begin, we will like to help. We begin that process from a phone call, through a roadmap, to product launch. Where a technology needs to be built, our engineers will build the portals, releasing the IPs to you, and making sure you get started. More so, we provide supports on those early contacts. You will get access to a team member that will guide you, on hiring, etc. Learn more here.
  • Development of Business Roadmap & Strategy: A business plan is not enough to anchor business execution. A Roadmap Document is required especially in a sector which is in a state of flux [changing market, changing model, startup, competition, regulation, etc]. To avoid pursuing many windy paths or dead ends, a roadmap helps to encapsulate a profitable path to the vision with pillars and enablers necessary for success. Read more here.
    • We will conduct a review of the Firm’s current strategy, and identify the current gaps considering the business needs and market best practices and make recommendations to implement the strategic gaps with fit for purpose solutions in line with global best practices and local realities.
  • Founders Mentoring: We offer a service where we mentor emerging founders or business leaders as they build their companies. The founders /leaders would have direct access to our leaders, and we would guide them on business processes and systems. Through this service, they would email, speak, WhatsApp and Skype without restriction on issues affecting their companies. Simply, we become part of the ecosystem of the company.
    • Imagine the ability to reach Prof Ndubuisi Ekekwe at anytime to discuss business frictions you have. The service operates on annual subscription.
  • Discovery Innovation Workshop: To innovate is to set a new basis of competition in an economy, business sector or market. Typically, it results to disruption. This workshop will focus on innovation and growth because growth is the reward of innovation. Otherwise, that innovation is actually an invention. I will be the lead instructor with my supporting crew. The table below provides the workshop structure. We can adapt this workshop to two days.
Day 1 – Innovation Discovery Day 2- Innovation Exploration Day 3- Innovation Design and Applications
The State of Nigerian markets State of the Tech Nation address Becoming a Digital Innovator
Mapping internal & external trends Innovation Translation Filtering & modelling [Business & Functional Vision]
Digital Innovation frameworks Emerging Technologies Labs with Innovation Roadmap Brief
Business Challenges Teamwork / Disruptive thinking Takeoff Vision & Frontiers
Enablers and Creativity tools The Category-Kings Benchmarking [Local  & International] Innovation Execution
vision concept with business elements on blackboard
  • Discovery Innovation Presentation: This is a four-hour seminar where we will present what is happening in your market, customized for your company, and then offer insights on how you can plot your strategies to win. This goes beyond industry statistics and typical SWOT analysis. We work to help clients see their markets in new ways, providing roadmaps on how they can unlock opportunities. It is an intense talk, combining technology, finance, political economy and strategy. As technology redesigns markets, I break the implications in short, medium and long-terms.
    • Case: How can a (mall) real estate developer understand that ecommerce is a tangential threat since malls can be disrupted by digital commerce in future? My client now considers triple-play designs where malls can be converted into offices or homes, in case the moment comes.
  • Advisory Services: These are our Advisory Services.

Our services cover all industries, and we operate at the highest ethical level. .

Tekedia Mini-MBA edition 16 (Feb 10 – May 3, 2025) opens registrations; register today for early bird discounts.

Tekedia AI in Business Masterclass opens registrations here.

Join Tekedia Capital Syndicate and invest in Africa’s finest startups here.

If interested, email [email protected]. Our cost is industry-competitive.