Home Community Insights Five Things To Avoid When Building Great Teams

Five Things To Avoid When Building Great Teams

Five Things To Avoid When Building Great Teams

Common mistakes most employers make – they put the company over the employees. A great leader knows that the employees make the company.

Employees are like the engine in a vehicle. Investing in them makes everything works. If you value your workers, they will definitely value your company.

Besides, employees are brand ambassadors. They represent your company. They interact with the customers every day and have total power control over the future of your company. The best way to drive your company forward is by ensuring there is an employee engagement policy being laid down.

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Employee engagement is perceived to be one of the essential points for improving business results. The notion of effectively shaping the worker’s expertise is targeted on improving the engagement of employees to cut back turnover, improve productivity, increase accountability and achieve results. Also, it gives the employee a sense of belonging, therefore, enabling them to treat the company like their own.

However, in spite of all the analysis that abounds on improving engagement, it is noteworthy that several organizations still do very little to enhance the leadership’s engagement within the workforce. No wonder many of these companies have folded. They are no longer in operation.

The first problem most companies encounter is from the employees. The moment a company loses the trust of the employees, it becomes difficult to grow because every other department of the company can never function.

Listed below are five ways to destroy worker engagement:

  • Don’t attempt to offer a vision: You know the task your department must accomplish. There’s no need to offer any reasonable vision or purpose; employees got to do what’s expected of them. Everyone ought to grasp the tasks they have to complete; don’t worry about helping employees understand how what they are doing ties into a bigger image of what you’re attempting to accomplish and why. Too much information just muddies the waters and it is distracting. It doesn’t make sense to hire a smart person and tell him what to do. Rather, let him tell you what to do. It makes him feel trusted, and that will enhance his self-confidence.
  • Don’t be afraid to let your true feelings show: When things begin to go awry or once employees don’t meet your expectations, you must be at liberty to express your negative emotions with all of the intensity that you simply can muster. Keeping your emotions at bay within yourself sometimes doesn’t work very well. They’re going to come out sooner or later, therefore you may as well let them loose. Feel free to yell, scream, and use profanity. All of those behaviours can serve to get people’s attention and allow them to understand their lack of performance is completely unacceptable.
  • Don’t express appreciation: People don’t need to be recognized or appreciated. All of this verbal praise becomes pointless if you are doing it all of the time. Individuals are paid for what they are doing, therefore don’t worry concerning expressing any kind of verbal appreciation or recognizing them in any other means. The monetary rewards associated with their work is satisfying enough.
  • Don’t encourage people to work together: It is better if people simply specialize in doing their work without distraction. All this getting together to collaborate could be a waste of your time. Decisions in groups often take too long and are often not made at all. Keep people targeted on their specific goals while not involving others.
  • Don’t offer feedback: The whole notion that people need or want feedback is overrated. The most effective feedback is the results that individuals receive from the work that they are doing. Tell individuals to take stock of what they are doing and alter what they have to get higher results. They shouldn’t have to be checking in with you to understand how they’re doing.


If this is the method you lead your team, I can guarantee that turnover is going to be high, productivity is going to be lower, morale is going to be in the tank, and you may not get the results that you simply need.

Simply take every point above and take away the word “don’t,” turning the suggestions into a positive statement of what you must be doing to increase worker engagement.

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