One of the toughest things to handle in life is divorce. Many people do not do well in this aspect. The hurts and pains of a broken heart always haunt everyone. Top celebrities in the world have tasted divorce and some of them were never the same since then.
The inability to move on from divorce seems impossible but it is achievable. That’s why I have invited a wonderful guest all the way from the United States of America.
She’s the founder of DreamsRecycled. She’s a published author and a contributing writer and blogger for Thrive Global, HuffPost, Mogul and SheSavvy.
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Dear audience,
I present to you – Tiffany Ann Beverlin
It is so wonderful to have you in this edition. You are one of the most hard working entrepreneurs I’ve known for a while now. I am very sure there’s a lot to know about Tiffany. Can you tell us more about Tiffany Ann Beverlin?
Well firstly I am a Mom of 3 beautiful children, I live in sunny Florida and my passion is to help both men and women going through divorce navigate it in a healthier, more positive way.
Your book was written after your divorce experience, can you share more about that, please?
I wrote my book to help others who have or are going through an adverse situation find hope. It’s the true story of how I went from unemployable single mom of 3 to starting my own company. It’s filled with lots of tips and lots of advice.
Many people don’t do well after the divorce. What has actually helped you to scale through after such a trying moment?
It is understanding the bigger picture that life for us all is filled with adversity. We can only control the way we react and we have to have faith and hope that life will indeed get better with a little work and a positive outlook.
Being a female entrepreneur, how has that helped you personally and professionally?
I think being a female founder is a double edged sword. In some ways it helps because there are relatively few of us. In other ways we still though are treated differently and not respected as much as a male entrepreneur may be treated.
Too many are always scared of walking out of a relationship that is not working because of so many things involved like society, years of being together, kids, finances, what will you say to such people in that situation?
I think divorce is not the answer to everyone’s relationship issues. Marriage is a commitment that you should try and work on. If you find yourself in an abuse situation or living in misery I think the best thing you can do if you can’t work through it in counselling is agreed to divorce amicable and put your children first.
When is the right time to walk away from a marriage that is not working?
Anyone has the right – only the people within the marriage really know how and what is happening in that relationship. If you are being emotionally verbally or physically abused though you most surely should leave for your own physical and mental health.
Your book – ”My Dream Recycled”, how has it been able to help divorcees?
Divorcees are helped many ways primarily because it walks you through many of the ups and downs of divorce showing you what to do and what not to do. It also helps you understand the power of positivity and daily action so people have real guide to get to a better place quicker.
What was the feedback you got from it?
People love it they find it helpful and even funny as I describe the many failed weird and crazy dates I went on after my divorce.
Where can your book be purchased from?
Amazon the book is called ‘My Dreams Recycled’ by Tiffany Ann Beverlin.
Thousands of people will be reading this interview. If anyone wants to contact you, how can you be reached?
I can be reached through our website at or at [email protected]
Thank you!
What should we expect from you in the next five years?
I am not sure where or what I will be doing in 5 years. I would like to think that my company would have spread globally to help more and more people through the challenges of heartache.
What advice do you have for the audience, especially the divorcees?
I think the best thing you can do through your divorce is to make sure you have a support system, join a group or community like ours and make sure you are taking care of yourself eating, sleeping, exercising, etc.
Thank you, Tiffany Ann Beverlin. It’s been wonderful chatting with you. May your dreams come true.
You too it’s a pleasure thank you!