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Like Play2Earn Games Upland and MOMOverse? Gain Money By Reviewing Them With Feed3

Like Play2Earn Games Upland and MOMOverse? Gain Money By Reviewing Them With Feed3

We have all heard of game testers. A job where people are paid to play mainstream games and provide feedback to developers before a game’s release. However, in the world of blockchain gaming, there has been little space for game testing.

Feed3, a new blockchain protocol, is the first feedback-to-earn crypto project of its kind. In partnership with play-to-earn giants Axie Infinity, Upland, MOMOverse and Lightnitex, Feed3 allows its users to provide audio feedback and generate the native FD3 token in exchange.  Feed3 uses a deep neural network algorithm which is called Freeda. Freeda will collect, govern, and process any audio feedback from players.

What makes this protocol special is that it benefits both the developer and the play-to-earn player to create a better and more profitable experience for all involved.

Upland- The World’s Largest Virtual Property Strategy Game

Mapped to the real world, players can build anything within Upland and earn money. Users can easily become digital landowners, manufacture cars and receive the native UPX coin.

For instance, in Upland, players can purchase virtual property in any real-world address, such as a childhood home or a favourite restaurant. Money is generated by earning a return on properties, collecting fees from visitors, selling a place on the marketplace, or becoming a business owner.

MOMOverse- A Free To Play, Play To Earn Game

A community-driven platform. MOBOX claims to empower its users by rewarding engagement and enjoyment. Although rewarding engagement can sound vague, MOBOX does this by giving users money for farm yielding, creating NFTs, developing games or just by using the platform. The goal is to reward everyone for their contributions.

MOBOX has a significant edge over the famous competitor, Axie Infinity, due to being free-to-play. Axie Infinity, on the other hand, requires a purchase of an NFT to begin playing, which has shut off many potential customers.

Feed3 Lets You Make Money Off Reviewing Blockchain Games

While play-to-earn blockchain games already allow players to gain a secondary income, Feed3 enables them to earn even more. Many blockchain games have been designed with tokenomics and ecosystems in mind first, while the game design seem like an afterthought.

However, it is clear that failing to smooth out a game’s experience, may have devastating consequences. Feed3 uses the failure of Crypto Kitties as an example. Developers of Crypto Kitties did not pay attention to what players wanted, and as a result, players left the project.

Unlike the mainstream gaming industry, play-to-earn gamers want the same thing as the developers: money. This puts Feed3 in a unique position to help both players and developers improve the world of blockchain gaming. And for the player, the bonus of extra money is nice too.

If you enjoy the blockchain games Axie Infinity, Upland, MOMOverse and Lightnitex, and would like to see them grow further, Feed3 could be a useful tool to use.

Currently, the feedback-to-earn protocol is in its presale, however, with the demand for such a protocol, the presale could end swiftly.


For more information on the project:

Presale: https://feed3.io/buy#buy-area  

Website: https://feed3.io

Telegram: https://t.me/Feed3Official

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