Home Community Insights Reinventing Yourself – Best Opportunities and Investments That Will Boom Now and Beyond

Reinventing Yourself – Best Opportunities and Investments That Will Boom Now and Beyond

Reinventing Yourself – Best Opportunities and Investments That Will Boom Now and Beyond

“If you can’t figure out your purpose, figure out your passion. For your passion will lead you right into your purpose.” BISHOP T.D. JAKES

Well, let me start this article in an unusual manner by appreciating every single reader and particularly all those who have dropped comments, emails and even direct calls to me. They are testaments of your approval, admiration and adulation of me and the nudge to further serve you and the generality of the reading public with more articles.

This article is a continuation of last week’s edition with the caption: COVID-19: RE-INVENTING YOURSELF AFTER THE LOCKDOWN. In it, I climacterically laid foundation on the practicums that are expected of you for a new normal. I would advise new readers to look out for the article in this same platform to get updated.

As a continuation going forward, COVID-19 has altered the very fabric of our system and new normal is evolving day in and out. To some, it may crystallize into a moment of fulfilling their purpose and calling and pushing them into comfort, affluence and fame. Too others, not wanting to sound negative, it may be their doom-days if urgent steps are not taken to reinvent themselves. But first, they must adjust by introspecting on the right steps to take.

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Here below, I shall enumerate about 10 businesses/jobs and investments that will be on hot demand if the right skillsets are acquired and you may as well be on your way to financial freedom and sustainability. They will be discussed in their briefest forms and you can either write me or seek more knowledge from your mentors. Remember, one of the nuggets I dropped last week is that you need mentorship. This is very expedient for startups.

The first among my list is DIGITAL MARKETING. Digital Marketing is a marketing component that uses the internet and online based digital technologies like computers, mobile phones and other digital media to promote products and services. Businesses want to cut down costs and avoid digital disruption and still wish to break even and add to the bottom line. So digital marketing is a quantum leap for businesses to reach out to customers. Position yourself by acquiring new skills in this alluring space and increase your cash flow in order to maintain the living standard that you seek.

Another business that would boom is the STOCK MARKET INVESTMENT. Warren Buffet, the richest investor globally gives this as his contribution to all those who may wish to invest in the stock market. Hear him “be fearful when others are greedy and be greedy when others are fearful.” Markets globally are crashing now and this is the best time to invest in the stock market particularly in shares of companies with very strong fundamentals. I really do not advise investors to buy penny stocks considering what has happened in the last 10 years. Stocks of most insurance companies that were in this category had all been delisted from the stock market daily trading list and many investors lost money. My take: invest in the stocks of companies that have consistently in the last 5 years paid out dividends to their shareholders. You can find that in manufacturing, banking and beverages sub-sectors. Mind you, you need to be a smart investor and expert guidance is very critical here. Remember, money is involved.

Besides, ONLINE EDUCATION is now the hot cake and cash-cow. Schools and other online educational institutions have suddenly discovered a new normal and how children can be taught in the comfort of their homes using the power of the internet. Universities particularly those of the Western world have continued classes. They have been online using Zoom, WhatsApp, Udemy, etc to continue delivery of lectures. So you need skills to relearn and be able to penetrate the space to make good money for yourself; the aftermath of COVID-19 would accelerate great changes. 

In addition, ONLINE COLLABORATION TOOLS is another lucrative business or skill to acquire. Though, it is interrelated with online education but it is about you being able to synergize using Microsoft tools, Google Analytics, Google Hangouts, and YouTube etc. I am happy that many youths have taken to comedy, entertainment, video games, video cartoons, and video streaming. But for you who are yet to decide, please see this as a money spinner.

The big one is e-commerce. Alibaba, the Chinese online store was established about a decade ago in a period of lockdown. When many Chinese could not go out to buy groceries and foodstuff, this online store took it upon itself to serve their needs and millions of dollars were made as a result. So you can collaborate with e-commerce giants in Nigeria by way of affiliation and then help market their products. All you need to do is get approval and enter into agreements. So when you advertise their products on your channels and people see these products and get to like them through your link and buy; a percentage of what was bought will be paid directly to you without you lifting a pen or owning the products. Many millionaires are smiling to the bank as a result of affiliate marketing.

AGRICULTURE is the biggest employer of labour in sub-Saharan Africa which includes Nigeria. But many youths have ignored this age long profession and it is a big cash-cow. Everyone needs food and there is food scarcity everywhere. There are places in the North and hinterland where their produce gets rotten because they do not know how to market them for commercial benefits. So I urge you to go into the agriculture value chain. Locate some of these places and buy at a very ridiculously low price, transport them to the cities, sell in the open market. With this, your bank account will be in green. Many would say but I do not know anywhere in the North. Learn to take mitigated risk. Someone can guide you. Dangote that everyone celebrates today started as a trader in merchandising, simply put: buying and selling. Nothing can stop a determined soul. You can make it!

Recently, GIG ECONOMY found its way into the knowledge economy. Entrepreneurs and success coaches talk a lot about the gig economy. It means an economy where the labour market is characterized by the prevalence of short-term contracts or freelance work as opposed to permanent jobs. Over 60% of jobs in Nigeria today are dominated in the informal sector and they are the gig economy. Figures from the Bureau of Statistics says over 60% is contributed to Nigerian’s GDP, meaning this is where the money is. Gig workers also enter into agreements with online companies to provide services to the company’s clients. People advertise their services in Jiji, etc. Customers go there to check and contact workers. Recently, I helped a family contact a CCTV engineer. It was through the same means. Things you can find in the gig economy: are video editing service, video coverage, photography services, freelance writing, logistics, dry cleaning, dog training, vet services, online coaching and many more. Take advantage of the gap needs in your environment and see how you can hone your skills and turn them to money.

People in this part of the world do not value NETWORK MARKETING. Network marketing does not suffer any recession. What it requires is the willingness and the ability of people to actually put in their best. There are very strong network marketing outfits around; and every now and then, their members are making good millions in naira by just registering and playing to the rules. If you have a challenge in joining one, write to me, I shall recommend one or two to you.

This is not very common among us because we do not value numbers particularly when it has to do with population. This is an anonymous saying “I prefer to earn $1 from 1 million persons to earning $1,000,000 from one person.” This is the power of leverage and consortium. A consortium is two or more persons or companies coming together to take up a project that one person or company cannot independently carry. By this, I urge people of like minds to form COOPERATIVE SOCIETIES and get them registered; and with this, you will be able to do much more than one person can. For more details please inbox me.

Finally, seek cheap loans from STATES AND FEDERAL GOVERNMENT FINANCIAL WINDOWS. For people living in Lagos, Lagos State Government in 2016 created LAGOS STATE EMPLOYMENT TRUST FUND. Here, over 11,000 loans have been given out to people who merited it after undergoing training and thankfully, the loans were given at a single digit interest rate that is under 10% interest per annum. This is far better than what is obtainable with microfinance and mainstream banks.

Another one is NIGERIA INCENTIVE-BASED RISK SHARING SYSTEM FOR AGRICULTURAL LENDING (NIRSAL), established by the Federal Government and during this lockdown; FG gave 50billion naira through the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) to support medium and small-scale micro enterprises. Though, many complain of not being able to access this loan but people access it after all. What are you waiting for? Nothing good comes easy until you chase it. So, stop sitting on the fence and complaining and expecting to be served buffet on a platter of gold. Go out there and do the needful.

In conclusion, the list above may not be exhaustive. There are still others that space will not permit me to mention. But nevertheless, the ones mentioned here, when implemented conscientiously can create financial sustainability and freedom for whoever does.

I leave you with the words of Fyodor Dostoyevsky “the mystery of human existence lies not in just staying alive but finding something to live for.” What are you doing for yourself?

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