In this videocast, I discuss what I am calling the Law of Diminishing Abundance of Internet. It is a construct that some companies become poorer even when they are growing in numbers of customers reached.That applies to industrial sectors like publishing and telecoms. The lesson here is that risk in any business model must be examined from the lens of this mirage abundance which Internet has provided in some sectors.
[…] are complaining about how Uber is killing their business provides a good example on how Internet provides growth and abundance, but yet left the players poorer. The drivers have a larger pool of potential customers, but yet, […]
[…] operators to enable users to communicate with marginal monetary value accruing to the operators. OTT destroys monetary value (the revenue) in the industry; it does not by itself keep the value. The revenue MTN loses on SMS […]
[…] and data center business is challenging because of the constructs of abundance which internet makes possible. If a business can tolerate small latency, anyone, anywhere can compete with anyone […]