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2.0 – Meditation and Planning

2.0 – Meditation and Planning

What is meditation?

Meditation is an act of reasoning or thinking through an idea or analysis of one. A Goodman said “if you think enough what you have is enough” meditation is something missing in this generation. They do everything but not meditation. That’s why success is scarce, you see them sweating and wasting on something that good thinking and planning will sharply put in their hands. Meditation is the hearth of innovation and creativity and there is element of a thriving career or business.

The power of an idea

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Many people ask what an idea is. An idea is not just doing a new thing but doing old things in a new way.

An idea is:

  • An insight
  • A light
  • An inspiration
  • A better perspective
  • An answer
  • A result of enquiry
  • A product of intuition

You might have heard countless times that ideas rule the world that’s the essence of this section.

Anything, systems, methods, people, business, governments attracted as an idea. Before you were born, your parents had an idea of having a child and they sprang into action an you came forth. The most dreaded thing that can happen to a man on earth is ignorance or simply put lack of awareness or idea. It will amaze you that the clothe you are  wearing is an individual ideas. When you have idea you dictate the pace. When you have idea you shine. You rule, you control others, you dominate. A Chineese proverb said” the world will make a way for anyone who knows where he is going.”

Simply put, its about one who has an idea. The young man that gave Coca-Cola the idea to package their products into bottles kissed poverty bye for life, he and his entire lineage. An idea did it for him. Look at Bill Gates, see what  an idea did for this young man. In Africa, that is different especially in Nigeria we love physical labor-carry heavy loads panting like an Olympic athlete who just won a marathon. We don’t have mental laborers. The reason I’m talking like this is because you are an entrepreneur and I want your business to outlive you. Your major duty is mental than your employees can go ahead and do the physical stuff and get paid. There are a lot of facilities he government put in place to spur entrepreneurship but where is the entrepreneurship skills to access and utilize them efficiently and effectively. We are in recession technically because the private sector is weak.

But as great as an idea may be if it’s not subjected to critical and purposeful thinking, it may not maximize result; that the place of meditation. You meditate and ruminate on the ideas till it begins to manifest.

How to make meditation work for business growth

  • Always enquire to know what, why, where and how a condition or things work
  • How do we improve on it
  • Are there better alternatives

Because where there is no enquiry there can be no discovery


Purity talks of cleanliness, probity, integrity. You can’t be doing business in deception and cruelty and expect growth. A customer you deceive today can lead to the loss of about 120 others them check the multiplier effect of each of the 120 telling their own 120 people to do business with you. Don’t cheat and ground your business because of momentary of temporary gains.

Let your hands be clean. Do clean business especially that you fear God and build loyalty and trust in people. A good name is better than silver and gold.

If you keep doing business faithfully and truthfully there will be a time you will make it and that growth will be steady. Don’t cheat people in a bid to increase business in that way are actually destroying your business.  As you may have discovered your business is about people which means no people, no business. In the hierarchy of wealth, relationship is higher than cash. They are 7 of them, it’s important you know them and re-orient you’re your lifestyle to maximal profiting knowing and doing what matters most.

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