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The Price of Perseverance

The Price of Perseverance


The dream of every business man is to become successful in business. Failure is an eye sore, so no one wants to experience failure either temporarily or permanently in his endeavor. There is a saying that “failure is not failure, but failure to learn from failure is”.

Though some schools of thought believe that there is no magical key to business success, experience has revealed that it is pertinent that entrepreneurs work hard both on the organizational and intellectual levels of their businesses to attract success into their lives.

Simply put, successful entrepreneurs are those who overcome both subjective and objective hurdles.

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Understanding that the world is rapidly changing, this special book guides you into business triumphant keys that can help you conquer and succeed in life and business.

Table of Contents

Chapter 1: Knowledge And Wisdom

Chapter 2: Meditation And Planning


Business is any venture you engage in that earns you income. Whether you are in paid employment or self-employment or in big time business, we all are in business. I want you to see that job or a business and I will tell you why you got that job because you are suitably qualified for it. You have  your first degree, first leaving school certificate, WASSCE, National Diploma, National Certificate of Education, a Bachelor’s degree, Master’s degree, professional qualification etc. a lot of money have gone into it. The reason you don’t know is because a large part of it was done by your parents or benefactors and you got a lighter part of it wait till you have children, then you know a lot of money has gone into training your children. Please, note your children are your life investment, take it or leave it. So, parenting is big time business. Your capital in that job is your years of financial, behavioral, social and time investment in the acquisition of knowledge, skills and certification. So, you now see why you don’t joke on your job. When many people are jubilating that they got job they have not carved out a path to make the most of their investment on the job, that’s why many don’t get promoted on the job.

In Nigeria, take business as a second option when they are unable to land a job and you begin to wonder who created those jobs. Your guess is as right as mine, the government. We rely on the government for everything, in the west, the richest people are business people but in Africa the riches are politicians and corrupt government officials. That is why government jobs looks very lucrative and attractive. even the budget shows 70% recurrent and 30% capital meaning you will fund government expenses with 70% why won’t people drift into government jobs and even the 30% for business may not get into the hands of business people but imagine if the reverse is the case, then many public servants would have come into business. It is succinct to classify business

  • self-employment: you and at most 2 people
  • micro business : 1-10
  • small: 11-100
  • medium: 101-300
  • large: 301 and above

Whatever is your level right now the aim of this book is to move you gradually from being self-employed, micro, small, medium into a large business. I will release 12 keys of business growth into your and these may not be Harvard business school model but they are keys that will work if all you learnt in Harvard, Yale, Caltech, UI, Ife or ABU failed. These principles are rugged; they can breakthrough any obstacle, they are also applicable by people of different tribes or religion. These are:

  • Knowledge And Wisdom
  • Meditation And Planning
  • Purity
  • Faith
  • Hope
  • Prayers
  • Speaking In Tongues
  • Perseverance
  • Giving
  • The Anointing
  • Confession

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