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3.0 – Fulfill Your Purpose and Destiny

3.0 – Fulfill Your Purpose and Destiny

Fulfilling your purpose and destiny in life can be very challenging most times. However, taking the following steps can make you achieve your goals faster.

The 10 easy steps to Fulfill Your Purpose and Destiny are:

  1. Begin your day with pray

Prayer is essential for faith believing person. Commit your way to the Lord every morning and believe that od will answer you.

  1. Journalize your Vision

Make your vision very clear that others can key into it.

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  1. Let your vision be plain

Consider when, how, why, where, and what to do to set in motion your vision. Think about your goals, your probable time to realize your life changes that will contact your future. Look for ways you can maintain your expected result.

  1. Think about obstacles

Think about the whole thing that may happen or become a situation, and that may thwart your vision from coming forth.

  1. Overcome obstacles

Hindrances and Limitations may be seen along the way, but you can always keep away from them by preparing for them. Remember that you can conquer each obstacle.

  1. Create Goals

Set up some specific and quality goals with the timeframes that you are sure you can be achieved. Detail your goals for easy actualization.

  1. Create A Time Schedule

Schedule the steps you will take to accomplish each task.

  1. Evaluate Your Goals

Monitor the steps you are engaging toward your goals. Each time you finish part of your goal, put on a smile and consider it a well done achievement toward accomplishing your vision.

  1. Keep On Going Forward

Keep a good focus, and do not let disturbance hinder your way.

  1. Take a rest and sit back, while relaxing, watch the fruit of your labor

Do this repeatedly until all of your life visions are fulfilled. Be persistent.

Roadmap to fulfilling destiny

In your quest to fulfill destiny you must have:

  • A vision/dream

It is a picture of your future. Some are waiting for revelation, imagination can also do it. It is not a night dream. It is you seeing yourself in your ultimate goal how you would look like 10, 20, and 50 even 100 years from now. Be engrossed in it. Think about it all the time until you begin to dream then even at night. Also there is a strong correlation between your thinking and events around you as your thinking becomes engrafted in your dreams, your experience will begin to reflect the same.

  • Write your vision down: write on a paper, your phone, and better if on screensaver, you may also make a portrait and place in your bedroom. Look at it everyday itemize and picture it every day. If you imagine it you can picture it.
  • Makeup a plan: if you fail to plan you have planned to fail. Have a detailed plan of what you want to achieve, how you want to achieve it, what method you want to employ. Part of planning is to have action plan and several alternatives actions to achieving all your target. These targets are called goals. When you crystallize dreams into goals then it becomes achievable. You can break it down into 5 years, annual, monthly, weekly, even daily goals congruent with your dreams because your dreams is our long-term goals. If you spend a while doing this its worth it. Also subject it to periodic review maybe every week.
  • Action: you must act. Take daily action in conjunction with our ultimate goals. Table consistent actions because in most cases, your action will be expectant maybe at variance but you must insist on obtaining your result. You must possess also the never give up attitude. Your motto should be I won’t stop, I won’t give up till my change comes”. You must understand that everyday is an examination culminating into a lifetime.
  • Locate a mentor: a mentor is s a catalyst of the star in you if you must become and remain a star you require a mentor .there is no new thing under the sun. Whatever you want to achieve look for someone already doing the same, also study men who excelled in same thing before, then connect with such men. They will make your adventure easier and faster. You will need mentor for marriage, career, business, education, life etc.

Useful tips on your journey

  • choose and abide by gods plan for your life
  • engage in active personal preparation
  • beware of procrastination
  • be diligent
  • apply wisdom in all dealing
  • utilize the tool of prayers
  • utilize the power of fellowship with likeminded people
  • dare something everyday
  • be disciplined in all tings
  • determine the sacrifice you want to pay and be on your way paying it
  • be dynamic in your approach
  • live everyday at its best
  • let where you are going determine your choice of marriage
  • decision making is very important to all for living right
  • have a mentor and follow committedly
  • beware of enemies but much more your friends
    • does and don’t

In the journey of life there are does and don’t. You hit the does you obtain the desired result, you hit the don’t, so, you get a contrary one. I will tactically enumerate the dos and don’ts as much as it is in my power.

The dos

  • recognize the supremacy of God
  • recognize the place of family
  • recognize the need for team work
  • Bear a learner attitude. -there is a senses in every nonsense
  • think differently from the crowd
  • know and develop the right attitude to money, its your tool don’t let it control you
  • give only what you can forego, alloy of people have bad payback habit
  • choose a vocation that gives you competitive advantage to excel
  • as much as possible be committed to continuous learning, its different from education
  • you need a supportive spouse because there is high correlation between marriage and individual net wroth
  • because someone labeled you inferior should be the reason you should work hard to obtain result
  • acknowledgement that hard work is more important than high intellect.

Everyone has talent what counts is ability, ability is developed through practice- Michael Jordan

  • be an expert time manager
  • hype your social skills it goes a long way
  • be investment conscious
  • tap the gift of god in you
  • be honest with people
  • never try to do another man job
  • cultivate the ability to sell your ideas, products etc to others
  • good luck is about hard work
  • be courageous, don’t take no for an answer
  • do good to all men
  • make sure you have done your best everyday you lose your eyes

The don’ts

  • Hope can be very dynamic so give allowances
  • do not compare yourself to anyone, you are the best of yourself
  • don’t despise the gift of God in you
  • beware of close associates


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