Cybersecurity Big Event
Quote from Ndubuisi Ekekwe on September 4, 2018, 3:39 PM
On Sept 12th in Lagos, Obafemi Awolowo University, Halogen Security and First Atlantic Cybersecurity Institute (Facyber) will present major programs under the World Bank-funded Center of Excellence in Cybersecurity. The Vice Chancellor of OAU and many deans will be around. Leaders of Halogen Security, World Bank, etc will attend. And yours truly will also speak in the event as Founder of Facyber.
If you want to attend, please email my Community Manager for a pass: she will give you venue and time. She has limited passes.
On Sept 12th in Lagos, Obafemi Awolowo University, Halogen Security and First Atlantic Cybersecurity Institute (Facyber) will present major programs under the World Bank-funded Center of Excellence in Cybersecurity. The Vice Chancellor of OAU and many deans will be around. Leaders of Halogen Security, World Bank, etc will attend. And yours truly will also speak in the event as Founder of Facyber.
If you want to attend, please email my Community Manager for a pass: she will give you venue and time. She has limited passes.