Home Community Insights How Working Against Jinn’s Pleasure Triggers Mental Health Challenge

How Working Against Jinn’s Pleasure Triggers Mental Health Challenge

How Working Against Jinn’s Pleasure Triggers Mental Health Challenge

Jinns feel that whatever they can lay their hands on or own should be appreciated in the same manner as humans want to possess tangible things and enjoy them to the maximum. As our analyst and his contributing writer have discussed in recent weeks, Jinns reside in a variety of locations, particularly enclosed ones such as toilets, bathrooms, and waste bins.

Most of the time, they regard these settings as appropriate for them because they are intended for them. While it would be ludicrous to see a human eating or signing inside the toilet or bathroom, the places are better for the Jinns. In previous pieces, we stressed the importance of practicing suggested prayers before entering and leaving such places in order to avoid being possessed by Jinns. In this piece, we look at recent situations in which a Jinn exacted revenge when his feasting period was interrupted by Haafidh, a young Muslim child. Once again, Haafidh is not his real name. It was used to protect his identity.

The Caller: Salaam ‘alaykum (Peace be unto you) sir. I got your number from a radio programme I listened to. I need your help with my son’s mental unconsciousness. I think he’s possessed.

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The Exorcist: Can we meet next week, please? I’m going to school right now.

The Caller: Hmmm, if Allah wishes!

The Exorcist: (Disturbed by the caller’s hidden emotions, called back) Can we meet now even if it’s for 30 minutes? You know I’m a teacher; I need to go to work.

The Caller: (Very delighted) We’re on our way now!

This was a conversation that occurred between a distressed father of Haafidh, a 12-year-old boy and Ustadh Musa two years ago in Ibadan, Nigeria. The boy, who was about to complete his Quranic memorization, was possessed by a Jinn. His symptoms? Anytime he was praying in the mosque in a congregation, he would keep screaming and distracting the congregation. His sudden behavioural change baffled everyone. What could have happened to a 12-year-old Haafidh?

Read How Do You Bring Jinns Into Your Life?

A meeting with Ustadh Musa, the exorcist

To show how disturbed Haafidh’s father was, he got to Ustadh Musa’s office before him that Thursday morning. As usual, the exorcist, through Ruqyah, began the spiritual diagnosis to identify the presence of Jinn(s). Shortly after his recitation, the Jinn spoke through Haafidh. What did he tell Ustadh?

Ustadh Musa: Why did you possess him? Were you sent by anyone?

The Jinn: I wasn’t sent by anyone. I possessed him myself. One day when he was going to school, he saw a sacrifice placed at a T-junction. He kept looking at the sacrifice while I was there eating it. I thought he was looking at me. Later, he threw a stone at the sacrifice, but the stone hit me. I then decided to punish him for hurting me. Since that day, I had possessed him.

Ustadh Musa preached to the Jinni; he repented and left Haafidh’s body. Haafidh is now 14 and has completed his Quranic memorization.

Haafidh’s father, an elderly man, kept echoing, “I have never seen something like this in my entire life!” To the father and many Muslims and some non-Muslims, Jinn possession and exorcists’ conversations with Jinns are not make-believe scenes from Nollywood, Hollywood or Bollywood fictional movies.

Read How to Identify Authentic Islamic Exorcists

What did we learn from this case?

Like humans, some Jinns revenge or avenge. They always assume we humans see them. The Jinn thought Haafidh saw him eat the sacrifice. Also, anytime we come across sacrifices, we should instantly seek Allah’s protection with protective verses/remembrance. Lastly, we should never joke with this remembrance before leaving the house every day, at least 100 times: ?? ??? ??? ???? ???? ?? ??? ?? ?? ????? ? ?? ????? ? ??? ??? ?? ??? ???? (La ilaha illallahu wahdahu la sharika lahu, lahul-mulku wa lahul-hamdu wa Huwa ‘ala kulli shai’in Qadiir).

Umar Olansile Ajetunmobi, an independent, interdisciplinary researcher with special interests in political, (mental) health, development, and digital media communication, contributes to the development of this piece through his skills and knowledge garnered over the years.

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