Home Latest Insights | News Nigeria Begins Helicopter Race Over Traffic [Video]

Nigeria Begins Helicopter Race Over Traffic [Video]

Nigeria Begins Helicopter Race Over Traffic [Video]

As I had predicted, the lion is out of the cage, and the big boys will be using helicopters for errands around city. Since that man called a helicopter to “get him” out of the traffic, exhalation has happened. This one (video below) used his helicopter to visit his warehouse. He even flew himself, and the staff went mad on jubilation. Who will not when your boss descends from high and you need the clapping to put food on the table? I once visited a building in Manhattan where the CEO comes to work from top of the building (helicopter). Check in the night, beggars would congregate to sleep in the outside basement. My only contribution is this: FIRS, make sure all the big boys pay big boys tax in Nigeria.


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