Home Uncategorized Thank You – Tekedia Overtook 1000 Websites in Nigeria Within 5 Days

Thank You – Tekedia Overtook 1000 Websites in Nigeria Within 5 Days


Hello People,


Thank you for showing up in Tekedia everyday. We noticed that traffic peaks at 8am in the morning (perhaps the Banks allow Internet access then or students are not in classes;  we do not know why) and then after 5pm in the evening. At 7pm, we get the highest traffic in Nigeria.


The good news is that many people are coming. We were 3000+ in Alexa ranking in Nigeria last week. Today, we have overtaken more 1000 sites  to become 1732 most visited Nigerian site. This is still poor but remember that we have not even celebrated a month birthday. So, in a way, it is an achievement.

Tekedia Mini-MBA edition 15 (Sept 9 – Dec 7, 2024) has started registrations; register today for early bird discounts.

Tekedia AI in Business Masterclass opens registrations here.

Join Tekedia Capital Syndicate and invest in Africa’s finest startups here.


Also, Tekedia has not advertised in any media except Tekedia. We want to know how great contents spread. It is true, good products sell themselves. But we are not yet close to what we hope to be. We will get better.


Our page views now top the thousand benchmark daily and everyday it is hitting up. We will be adding business technology content. We just started a report on Omatek (a public company) and will share when we are doing. We want to do tech journalism here and we ask you to continue to come here. Our focus remains technology and entrepreneurship. But you cannot have both without business – so business is implied!


Again, thank you for this progress.


Tekedia Editorial Team


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